aalfons / robmed

Perform mediation analysis via a fast-and-robust bootstrap test, as well as various other methods
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make sure this works nicely with the tidyverse #4

Closed aalfons closed 6 years ago

aalfons commented 7 years ago

The data frame needs to be the first argument to work nicely with the pipe operator.

aalfons commented 7 years ago

Simply writing wrapper functions fit_mediation(data, ...) and test_mediation(data, ...) should do the trick.

aalfons commented 7 years ago

Actually, is the wrapper fit_mediation() really necessary? For practical use, only test_mediation() is relevant.

aalfons commented 7 years ago

Instead of wrappers, those should probably be the main functions. Then write wrappers fitMediation() and testMediation() and mark them as deprecated.