aalfons / robmed

Perform mediation analysis via a fast-and-robust bootstrap test, as well as various other methods
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom bootstrap function for simulations #8

Closed aalfons closed 4 years ago

aalfons commented 6 years ago

Merge branch 'boot' into 'tidyverse'. The former contains a custom bootstrap function to supply the indices of the bootstrap samples to test_mediation(). This allows for a more fair comparison of different bootstrap tests in simulation studies.

aalfons commented 6 years ago

Maybe this shouldn't go on CRAN as for practical use it's nicer to draw upon functionality in package boot. But it should get a specific version number and a tag such that simulation results from the paper can easily be reproduced by installing this version via install_github().

aalfons commented 5 years ago

There is now a wrapper function that implements a simple nonparametric bootstrap if indices of bootstrap samples are supplied, and otherwise calls function boot() from package boot.