aamaricci / SciFortran

A library of fortran modules and routines for scientific calculations (*in a way* just like scipy for python)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Documentation #1

Closed szaghi closed 8 years ago

szaghi commented 8 years ago

Hi Adriano,

I follow your progress with interest, I think this project has great potential. However, the lack of documentation limits me (and maybe others) to digg deeper. I am counscious that writing documentation is a time-consuming effort, but it has not less relevance of the code itself (IMHO). Have you a plan to add documentation in the near future (or it is already here and I am so blind to have missed it)?

Thank you very much for sharing your work.


aamaricci commented 8 years ago

Hi Stefano, thanks for your interest.

You're right about the missing documentation. This is a feature I'd like to add. I mean it is in the todo list, together with other extensions I have in my pipeline (sparse matrices, sparse linalg, ode solvers, a better interface to quadpack, etc.).

In any case my plan for the future would be to use FORD. I played a bit with other tools, but this one looks pretty nice and well suited for SciFor.

This, and the aforementioned extensions, could be an excellent basis for a collaborative work, but on the other hand I understand that with no documentation whatsoever that's kind of desperate act (and the main reason why I did not deployed the library to FOSS).

Cheers, A

szaghi commented 8 years ago

@aamaricci Great! Happy to read this! FORD is really a cool tool.

I will continue to track this project.

See you soon.

funnell commented 8 years ago

Just to chime in, I'm also interested in this project. But, without documentation it's difficult to get started...

aamaricci commented 8 years ago

Hi. Thanks for your interest. I should definitively start working on that. A

band-a-prend commented 2 years ago

I'm also interested in documentation as the first looked example for python scipy as reference for this project used lambda function passed into.

E.g. it was general integration (quad): https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/integrate.html