aanatoly / fbpanel

lightweight X11 desktop panel
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enable pango markup interpretation by genmon plugin #19

Closed jberkenbilt closed 8 years ago

jberkenbilt commented 8 years ago

Sometime about five years ago, I coded a small patch to the genmon plugin to allow pango-style font markup to be rendered. I use this for a little monitor that I have to enable it to color certain text and to display in a fixed-width font.

This image:


is generated by this text: <tt><span size='larger' foreground='red'>● </span><span foreground='red'>A</span> <span foreground='red'>Q</span> <span foreground='#266522'>v</span> <span foreground='#266522'>/vsm</span><span size='larger' foreground='red'> ●</span></tt>

The patch adds the AllowPangoMarkup configuration to enable this. I have the following stanza in ~/.config/fbpanel/default:

Plugin {
    type = genmon
    config {
        Command = get_qbiff_output
    AllowPangoMarkup = 1
    PollingTime = 1
    MaxTextLength = 500

See the commit comment for additional notes.

I've been using this enhancement for about 5 years without any trouble.

By the way, I love fbpanel. It fits perfectly with my minimalistic desktop environment. I use it with openbox.

I previously submitted this as https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3131882&group_id=66031&atid=513127

See also https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=640356

I hope you will consider accepting this enhancement.

aanatoly commented 8 years ago

Hi. Thanks for the patch. Just one small thing - plz re-submit it against develop branch

jberkenbilt commented 8 years ago

Resubmitted as #20. I build and tested, and it seems fine. genmon.c was identical between master and develop. Thanks!