aandrew-me / ytDownloader

A modern GUI App for downloading Videos and Audios from hundreds of sites
GNU General Public License v3.0
934 stars 86 forks source link

Add new awesome engines #105

Closed trimechee closed 1 year ago

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you very much for this great sensational wonderful dowloader !! 💯

I guess that ytDownloader use the famous yt-dlp, thay's great and my suggestion is in order to download from even more web sites and possibly overcome eventual yt-dlp bugs and speed up downloads and download torrent, m3u8 files... my suggestion is to add support for these downloader engines if it is technically possible, thank you very much !










https://github.com/dabaisuv/Tampermonkey-Script https://greasyfork.org/fr/users/901788-dabaisuv Unlimited_downloader by dabaisuv https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/445751-unlimited-downloader https://www.v2ex.com/t/856510

https://github.com/Momo707577045/m3u8-downloader/blob/master/README-EN.md https://github.com/Momo707577045/media-source-extract


*EDIT : I add some new engines : hlsdl : C program to download VoD HLS (.m3u8) files, it seems that some people said ffmpeg could have some problems with hls streams...


and this software : python m3u8 Parser for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Transmissions :












ArtPlayer.js is a modern and full featured HTML5 video player










extensions web browsers downloaders





















Girdplayer has integrated this software streamlink : https://github.com/vzhd1701/gridplayer#features https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink

trimechee commented 1 year ago

I discover the awesome ytDownloader yesterday and i will submit ytDownloader to https://www.videohelp.com/ to become even more and more popular and famous !

aandrew-me commented 1 year ago

Hello! I am glad liked the app. And I appreciate your suggestions.

Adding support for m3u8 and things related to video/audio maybe possible. The only obstacle is that I need to find cross platform solutions. I will try.

Regarding torrents and files, I don't want to add those. There are separate apps for those which do a great job. You can check Motrix

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Great !! Thank you very much !!

for torrents, i don't use torrent but i heard that wget or aria2c support torrent, the purpose of wget or aria2c is to speed up downloads, and make possible in the same time to dnwload torrents... famous streaming website dailymotion limits downloads to 48kb/s when using yt-dlp but when i use yt -dlp associated with aria2c, dailymotion download speed increased to 100kb/s!!

it seems that we should add .json plugins to yt-dlp....in any case thanks again for this wonderful software which makes our life easier and more comfortable with other rare exceptional software !! maybe it will be a good idea to integrate the donloader with this wonderful open source extension which has commands for yt-dlp and N_m3u8DL-CLI.....


...because some complex videos seem to require importing cookies....so in some situation the extension is needed to send the video to the downloader....



aandrew-me commented 1 year ago

Motrix uses aria2c, so it can download torrents and other files.

Regarding cookies, you can use cookies from other browsers in ytDownloader. Check the preferences.

yt-dlp supports config file, so I added config file support to ytDownloader too. It can be selected from preferences.

Regarding dailymotion, did you try increasing concurrent fragments? yt-dlp has this option

-N, --concurrent-fragments N    Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative
                                video that should be downloaded concurrently
                                (default is 1)

Try increasing the value and see if it changes anything

trimechee commented 1 year ago

"I edited my first message to add some rare and new strong download engines..."

Interesting ! Thank you very much for these precious advices ! I hope we can increase the number of concurrent fragments for the daimymotion site from the ytDownloader GUI because I don't like to use the CLI command line, I find it complicated and tiring lol, or maybe ytDownloader could set the number of concurrent fragments to 2 by default, is it a good balance between good speed and caution to prevent our ip address from being banned by the server?

aandrew-me commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info in your first message.

I will add a setting to change concurrent fragments to ytdownloader.

In the meantime you can do this

See if you notice any difference in speed

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Awesome !! Thank you vey much for you great help :) 🥇 💯 I will try in sha Allah !

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, in relaeses page i see YTDownloader_Win.exe.blockmap, what is the meaning of blockmap please ?

aandrew-me commented 1 year ago

Its not for users. Its used by auto updater.

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello @aandrew-me , i make the confg file file with -N 5 and tried to donwload dailymotion but it fails , i have this message : "URL: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8hwc6x

ERROR: [dailymotion] x8hwc6x: Unable to download JSON metadata: (caused by URLError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed')))

but without config file, i can donwload this dailymotion video but speed is limited to 70Kb/s !

aandrew-me commented 1 year ago

That's disappointing.

trimechee commented 1 year ago

I put config file in C: , i will try to put -N 2....for cookies, i choose edge browser, so really our beloved ytDownloader can import and use encrypted cookies from famous powerful microsodt edge browser ?

aandrew-me commented 1 year ago

yt-dlp uses some library(s) that can decrypt the cookies

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Awesome !! 💯

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, i edit my first post to add in the end some new engine that seems powerful and to fix bugs when there is ffmpeg bugs :

C program to download VoD HLS (.m3u8) files, i read that ffmpeg could have some problems with hls streams, so I think it may be a good idea, if this software is compatible with Media-Downloader to integrate it in order to avoid possible bugs with hls streams :


and also this tool : m3u8 which is Python m3u8 Parser for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Transmissions :


The bug : " ......HLSDL appears working much better than ffmpeg in these cases. Hlsdl is public and the source code available. The stream plays almost immediately and is stable. No errors or buffering. Using ffmpeg for the download step gives a very long intial delay and is not very stable. so I assume that the new crypto+hls RAI flows are badly handled by ffmpeg based players now.....

the video is choppy and unable to buffer enough for a fluid vision. Parole has no problem.

FFmpeg is not good for HLS streams, but I watched a lot of various HLS streams without any problems. The main problem is that FFmpeg downloads all streams (many video sizes at once), so you can watch only HLS stream with single video size" "

trimechee commented 1 year ago

I added also new amazing scripts downloaders and even extensions, may be ytDownloader can verify the code of some of these scripts and extensions and make native new wonderful extension specific and compatible with ytDownloader to detect some streaming streams that yt-dlp cant' detect and send the streams to ytDownloader manager to accelerate the donwload ...thank you !

aandrew-me commented 1 year ago


I really appreciate you trying to help. The thing is I have to ship a different ffmpeg binary for each platform. Adding another executable file will require the same. And the app size is already big, so it will increase the size even more. That's why I don't want to add more executables to the app.

However, I was able to to make the downloads of m3u8 videos possible. So that would be available in next update.

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Great ! Thank you so much ! I undrstand :)

the capacity of hard disks, usb key, ssd card, external hard disk....have increased a lot and become cheap, the speed of the internet reaches mind-blowing speed, so I don't think the size of the program that allows people to download and watch comfortably is really a hindrance, maybe it will be great to make a second experimental version of ytDownloader and add other tools and the size of these tools doesn't seem huge....

several programs trying to be a graphical interface for yt-dlp and what will make ytDownloader even more unique and exceptional and distinguishing itself from other competitors c also the integration of new tools perhaps, I have used it several times yt-dlp to download and it tells me unable to download.....after a few hours and after restarting my computer I can download the files, not sure where the problem is from me or yt dlp and this is why having other gear different from yt dlp can be useful in some cases.... anyway thanks again for adding m3u8 support, it's revolutionary ! 💯 🥇