aap / pdp6

PDP-6 Emulator
MIT License
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Update Type 342 characters. #13

Closed larsbrinkhoff closed 5 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

They now look like this: pdp6-342

I have updated *, ,, ;, and centered all parentheses and brackets. I have added a-z, _, and '^'.

There's something strange going on. There should be a 40 space character before the ^ but for some unknown reason it overprints the preceding `. And on the last line, c and d are missing.

The overprinted ~ and _ are intentional.

This is the same view from ka10:

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Here's my test program. tst342.zip

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

I could have sworn the program worked on the PDP-6 simulator at one point (loaded from ITS), but now it just flashes the text and then hangs.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

This is what pdp6 does:

MB/713100000016 MA/000042 BLKO DIS,BLKOP  ;Last BLKO
MB/777777000144 MA/000016
MB/000000000145 MA/000016
MB/264000000111 MA/000043 JSR RECYC       ;Overflow cycle.
MB/044000000110 MA/000111
MB/200700000146 MA/000112 MOVE BLKOP,[-DLEN,,DLIST-1]
MB/777747000114 MA/000146
MB/777747000114 MA/000016
MB/713200000101 MA/000113 CONO DIS,100+DISCHN
MB/254520000111 MA/000114 JRST 12,@RECYC
MB/044000000110 MA/000111

MB/713100000016 MA/000042 BLKO DIS,BLKOP  ;BLKO from the start of the display list.
MB/777747000114 MA/000016
MB/777750000115 MA/000016
MB/020137261750 MA/000115 

MB/254000000110 MA/000110 JRST .          ;After this, just JRST . forever.