aapis / evertils

Generate Evernote notes from YML files
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Make EOD section configurable via ~/.evertils #16

Closed aapis closed 8 years ago

aapis commented 8 years ago

New configuration file (and directory) to customize template content. This will live outside the repo in $HOME/.evertils/ and be user customizable. Evertils should create the config file with a default section (EOD - End of Day) if it does not exist on when run, but should fall back on built-in templates if no custom templates are defined. If a custom template does not exist, stop program execution and alert the user.

a) Custom sections:

# ~/.evertils/config.yml
        - Item one
        - Item two
    JIRA links:
        - link one
        - link two

b) Custom templates:

# ~/.evertils/config.yml