aapm-bdsc-ontology-tg / radont

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radiation_absorbed_dose #23

Open Bayesianworld opened 4 years ago

Bayesianworld commented 4 years ago

Preferred term label


Textual definition

rdfs:comment "The amount of energy that is transferred from a collection of subatomic particles to some material object. [MP 8/4/20] [Note, I originally classified this as a \"quality\" but disposition seems a bit closer--up for debate. MP]"

Suggested parent term


Bayesianworld commented 4 years ago

Here is the part of Arp's book that leads me to use disposition: "A disposition is a realizable entity in virtue of which — for example, through appropriate triggers — a process of a certain kind occurs (or can occur or is likely to occur) in the independent continuant in which the disposition inheres. This process is called the realization of the disposition. The trigger might consist in the objects being placed in a certain environment or being subjected to certain external influence, or it may be some internal event within the object itself." In this case, I would say that placing an object in the path of a radiation beam triggers the process of transfer of energy. From the examples in the book: "• the disposition of a piece of stretched elastic to contract when released," "• the disposition of a magnet to attract iron filings." In our case: The disposition of a beam of particles to transfer energy to a material object through which it passes."