aaranyue / quarTeT

A telomere-to-telomere toolkit for gap-free genome assembly and centromeric repeat identification
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"Np.contig_map_ref.gp", line 40733: unrecognized option - see 'help set'. #15

Closed wangjie07070910 closed 2 months ago

wangjie07070910 commented 11 months ago

This tool looks great and I'm exploring it, but I'm having the following issues while using it, and I'd appreciate it if you could assist me with it. [Info] Paramater: refgenomefile=Np.fasta, mincontiglength=50000, minalignmentlength=10000, minalignmentidentity=0.9, prefix=Np_14703, threads=40, aligner=minimap2, nofilter=False, plot=False, overwrite=False, nucmeroption=, deltafilteroption=, minimapoption=-x asm5 -t 40 [Info] Filtering contigs input... [Info] Checking telomere in contigs... [Info] Running minimap2... [Error] Unexcepted error occur in gnuplot as follow: cmd: gnuplot Np.contig_map_ref.gp returncode: 1 stdout:


set mouse format "%.0f" ^ "Np.contig_map_ref.gp", line 40733: unrecognized option - see 'help set'.

But I checked this file and it doesn't have line 40733 at all

vi +40733 Np.contig_map_ref.gp -c option, 1: Illegal address: only 39567 lines in the file

Echoring commented 11 months ago

I cannot make sure about this. Maybe this is an issue with incompatible gnuplot? Or png terminal not supported? By the way, too many sequence sometimes also cause error when ploting.

kazumaxneo commented 3 months ago

Hello I got same error. I have not specified any options for --plot but I am getting this. Could you Kindly provide an option to disable plotting? I am using the latest version 1.1.8.

$ python3 quartet.py AssemblyMapper -q hifiasm.fasta -r GCF_001433935.1.fasta -t 40 -a minimap2 --plot [Info] Paramater: refgenomefile=GCF_001433935.1.fasta, qryfile=hifiasm.fasta, mincontiglength=50000, minalignmentlength=10000, minalignmentidentity=0.9, prefix=quarTeT, threads=40, aligner=minimap2, nofilter=False, plot=True, overwrite=False, nucmeroption=, deltafilteroption=, minimapoption=-x asm5 -t 40 [Info] Filtering contigs input... [Info] Checking telomere in contigs... [Info] Running minimap2... [Error] Unexcepted error occur in gnuplot as follow: cmd: gnuplot quarTeT.contig_map_ref.gp returncode: 1 stdout:


set mouse format "%.0f" ^ "quarTeT.contig_map_ref.gp", line 133: unrecognized option - see 'help set'.

Echoring commented 3 months ago

It most likely to be that the compiled gnuplot is not compatible with the quarTeT. I'm not sure what is lacking. This figure is a dotplot showing the colinearity between contigs and reference genome. If you do not require such a plot, try new option --noplot in v1.2.0.