aaranyue / quarTeT

A telomere-to-telomere toolkit for gap-free genome assembly and centromeric repeat identification
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Confused about CloserScore #25

Closed Bank-tidy closed 7 months ago

Bank-tidy commented 11 months ago

Dear the author,

Thank you for developing such a useful program. I have been using GapFiller to fill gaps in my genome assembly at the scaffold level. However, I found that, although I achieved a decent score of 1.97, the alignment results of these reads using Minimap2 and BLAST are relatively poor. Do you have any recommendations for this issue? image


Best, Bank

Echoring commented 11 months ago

By default, quarTeT GapFiller requires >1000 bp alignment with >40% identity at both frank 5000 bp to fill the gap. Score 1.97 means the identity of the two alignments are high. In your case, I assume that the alignment is a little far from the gap. If you feel unproper, you can increase -l or decrease -f to restrict the alignment more near the gap.

Bank-tidy commented 11 months ago

@Echoring Oh, I understand, thank you for your answer!