aarcangeli / Serious-Sam-Android

Porting of Serious Sam: The Second Encounter for android
72 stars 23 forks source link

black screen while through entering next map, TFE #52

Open Lophier opened 4 years ago

Lophier commented 4 years ago

while if i press the top right bottom "exit" wont show this issue

only happened on the return bottom of the cellphone

Skyrimus commented 4 years ago

Screenshots? Logs?

Skyrimus commented 4 years ago

Version of build?

Lophier commented 4 years ago

Screenshots? Logs?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3X37i_v_jM dude here is the video to show you

Lophier commented 4 years ago

Version of build?

the lastest build . just in the right of the page .

Lophier commented 4 years ago

Version of build?

dude i had got a little confused.. didi i downloaded a github of the aarcangeli`s outdate one or you had made a new port apk for this ... because i had saw that you had a serious sam port github either

Skyrimus commented 4 years ago

@Lophier download latest apk https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/hx8o1mxc34or431q/artifacts/SeriousSamAndroid-v1.04.0-nightly-4b40fb7-release.apk

Lophier commented 4 years ago

@Lophier download latest apk https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/hx8o1mxc34or431q/artifacts/SeriousSamAndroid-v1.04.0-nightly-4b40fb7-release.apk

dude it still have the same problem in this nightly version ...

Lophier commented 4 years ago

but seems bottom UI had been changed