aardappel / lobster

The Lobster Programming Language
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SpecializationIsCompatible assertion with implicit type in method parameter. #235

Closed MortimerSnerd closed 1 year ago

MortimerSnerd commented 1 year ago

I'm on commit 764661230bf8524b48c62248fc2ed41803c675ea

This is actually the assertion I mentioned in discord. For the collision_shape class and it's subclass csphere below, having the body parameter with no explicit type will cause an assertion in lobster debug. The 4 uses of for_brushes_colliding_with_shape towards the bottom of the file are necessary to get the assertion to happen. The rest of the defs are to make it happy enough to get to the type checking phase.

When the code runs without an assertion, it's just going to pop an index out of range error.

Here is the one file repro code:

import vec

def entry(bsp, orc, h):
   perform_model_collisions(bsp, orc, h)
   perform_trigger_collisions(bsp, orc, h)

class bsp_file:
   a: int

class orchestrator:
   a: int

//REPRODUCTION NOTE adding this as the type annotation to the body parameter in on_brush_collision
//     will make the assert go away.
def on_brush_collision_body(plane: int, pos: xyz_f, overlap: xyz_f) -> void

class collision_shape:
   def overlaps_aabb(minc: xyz_f, maxc: xyz_f) -> bool:
      return true

   def plane_split(plane_normal: xyz_f, plane_dist: float, body):

   def on_brush_collision(bsp: bsp_file, brush: int, area_mins: xyz_f, area_maxs: xyz_f, body):

   def bounding_sphere_radius() -> float:
      return 0.0

class csphere: collision_shape
   def on_brush_collision(bsp: bsp_file, brush: int, area_mins: xyz_f, area_maxs: xyz_f, body):
      body(4, xyz_1, xyz_0)

class brush_area:
   // bak_* constants
   kind: int
   mins: xyz_f
   maxs: xyz_f
   brushes: [int]
   model_ix: int

   is_trigger: bool

   meshes = [] :: [resource<mesh>]

   clusters = [] :: int

   def centroid() -> xyz_f:
      return mins + (maxs-mins)*0.5

   def contains(p):
      return (p >= mins) == xyz{true,true,true} and (p <= maxs) == xyz{true, true, true}

struct physics_object:

struct shape_contact:
   face: int
   pos: xyz_f
   overlap: xyz_f  
   plane: int = -1

struct model_collision_info:
   obj: physics_object
   model: brush_area
   contact: shape_contact

struct trigger_collision_info:
   obj: physics_object
   trigger: brush_area

private let po_shape = [] :: collision_shape
private let po_overlap = [] :: xyzw_f
private let py_triggers = [] :: brush_area
private let py_models   = [] :: brush_area

def mag_squared(x):
   return x.x

private def for_brushes_colliding_with_shape(bsp: bsp_file, brush_areas: [brush_area], shape: collision_shape, body):
   for(brush_areas) area:
      if shape.overlaps_aabb(area.mins, area.maxs):
         for(area.brushes) brush_ix:
            shape.on_brush_collision(bsp, brush_ix, area.mins, area.maxs) plane_no, pos, ovlp:
               body(area, plane_no, pos, ovlp)

private def perform_model_collisions(bsp: bsp_file, orc: orchestrator, h: int):
   let reportables = []
   for_brushes_colliding_with_shape(bsp, py_models, po_shape[h]) model, plane_no, pos, ovlp:
      po_overlap[h] += xyzw(ovlp, 1.0)
      if mag_squared(ovlp) > 0.0:
         let norm = normalize(ovlp)
         push(reportables, model_collision_info{physics_object{h}, model,
                                                shape_contact{-1, pos, ovlp, plane: plane_no}})

private def perform_trigger_collisions(bsp: bsp_file, orc: orchestrator, h: int):
   let reportables = []
   for_brushes_colliding_with_shape(bsp, py_triggers, po_shape[h]) trigger, pno, pos, ovlap:
           trigger_collision_info{physics_object{h}, trigger})

def on_collisions_with_model_brushes(bsp: bsp_file, shape: collision_shape, body):
   for_brushes_colliding_with_shape(bsp, py_models, shape, body)

def doit():
   let bsp = bsp_file{1}
   let orc = orchestrator{1}

   entry(bsp, orc, 0)
   on_collisions_with_model_brushes(bsp, collision_shape{}) area, plane, pos, ovlp:

aardappel commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the repro, fixed here: https://github.com/aardappel/lobster/commit/02b117c576453b9dbefa01d80a7ced1a1f522261

Are you ok me adding your repro to tests/misc ?

MortimerSnerd commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's fine. Thanks for looking at it.