aardappel / procrastitracker

a Windows time tracking application
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Add Password Protection #57

Open farooqaaa opened 5 years ago

farooqaaa commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to add password option so the app is protected by a password?

aardappel commented 5 years ago

Of course it is possible, but it is not a feature I'd care to add myself.

krthush commented 5 years ago

So I'm trying to work on a feature similar to this...

Now I know this sounds like a really dumb question but I created another option for the task bar icon similar to "Statistics..." or "About" and I'd like the window that opens up to include an editable text box?

As in... I can remap it to open up the "About..." window for example, but I have no idea how to actually edit this UI? I've had a look at some Win32 controls vidoes and I'm still a bit stuck.

I feel like this must be super simple and I'm missing something... Like a simple text box for "Login: " and "Password: " . It's pretty much what has been achieved for the advanced settings page but for charachters instead of numbers.

krthush commented 5 years ago

So I've found that the thing that controls what type of window is opened is this... image

Where I change the MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROPPAGE_MEDIUM), but the value within MAKEINTRESOURCE(...) just points to a number in resource.h, have no idea how this controls the rendered Window?

aardappel commented 5 years ago

TreeSheets is written in wxWidgets, so if you want add UI, you'd have to learn how to use that.

krthush commented 5 years ago


ahhhh it was here... visual studio wasn't letting me see this file because I had resource.h open O.o

I can edit these :)

thanks again for dealing with my pestering haha!