aardappel / treesheets

TreeSheets : Free Form Data Organizer (see strlen.com/treesheets)
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T and a overlapping #50

Open edmundlaugasson opened 8 years ago

edmundlaugasson commented 8 years ago

If to write T and a side by side into new grid (created via Insert key) and zoom in (CTRL+scroll) and activate scaled presentation view then these letters will overlap. When to use small t then it will not overlap.

aardappel commented 8 years ago

I don't understand the exact configuration you're talking about, but that sounds like a font-specific issue that will be hard to fix generally.

edmundlaugasson commented 8 years ago

That is true - initially was Verdana, tried also Dejavu Sans, Arial - did not work. But Courier New, Bitstream Charter, *Mono, FreeSans, Nimbus Roman No9 L are working. It seems that a bit condensed fonts do not work.