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Missing article in English Wikipedia #2

Closed itkach closed 13 years ago

itkach commented 13 years ago

(Originally reported by nobodysbusiness on Feb 14, 2009 at BitBucket)

For some reason, it is possible to search for Amdahl's Law, click on a result, and an error will result. This was done with the downloaded version of the full English Wikipedia available via BitTorrent on the www.aarddict.org site.

itkach commented 13 years ago

(Commented by itkach on Jun 22, 2009 at BitBucket)

New English Wikipedia compiled from 20090530 dump has "Amdahl's Law" article. Some (very small) number of articles may still be missing due to conversion errors. Also keep in might that special articles (anything that starts with a namespace prefix like Category:, Wikipedia:, Template:, Image: etc ) is deliberately excluded.

okainov commented 12 years ago

After compiling russian wiki (20120710) I don't see some articles (maybe very small number, but there are some popular articles, it's important to access them). For example "Закон Ома", "Закон Мерфи", "Путин В.В.", "Латинский язык", "Пекин", "Эпистемология", "Оптимизм", "Католицизм" and other. There is also another man who compiled russian wiki (20120617) and there were missing articles too.