aardgoose / CaveView.js

Web native 3d cave survey viewer
MIT License
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Improvement on demo mode #30

Open goatchurchprime opened 4 years ago

goatchurchprime commented 4 years ago

You have to wait for the whole demo cycle to finish on the https://aardgoose.github.io/CaveView.js/ page before the drag and drop of a 3d file works! Maybe there should be a button to end the demo cycle.

You could put it beside the label that is giving the commentary, with a button that's explicit, like "End demo mode".

To be honest, it took me a while to work out that there was this demo mode happening; I just thought the page was unresponsive and being weird.

I think you should also have one of the side control-panels showing by default at the start. It's easy to miss them as well, when it looks like just an unaccomplished half-baked 3d previewer without them. Most users are going to work with them out, rather than hidden if they're doing something with it.

I'd like this system to replace survex-aven entirely if possible. It's still a bit twitchy to use when it comes to narrowing down and closely interrogating a missing connection, as we do in aven, where the "measure vector between two stations" is a really important feature. Should I post that as another issue?

aardgoose commented 4 years ago

A 'end demo' button is a good idea. I'll do that at some point. I don't wait for it to end, I use one of the other demo pages!

As an aside, have you looked at the 'warnings' checkbox in the settings menu? It highlights what it/I think are errors in the original data where a sequence of LRUD walls extends beyond the end of a sequence of legs, and in Aven looks like a 'flyback' artifact between unrelated parts of a cave. It appears to be where no indication has been made where an LRUD sequence ends with a '*data' entry.