aardgoose / CaveView.js

Web native 3d cave survey viewer
MIT License
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Tree selection and highlighting #31

Open goatchurchprime opened 4 years ago

goatchurchprime commented 4 years ago

The selection window would better be done as a tree (maybe with some extra rolling-up), rather than this slide to the left as you go down the sub directories. It would give a more stable view of the points of interest.

The highlight box (in blue) and zooming is nice. But the legs and passage could be highlighted with a different select colour to bring it out.

Measuring distances in survex-aven is done by being able to select an individual station than then hovering cursor over other parts of the tree. You could have each of these other cursor-over parts get highlighted, but only receive the box and the zooming treatment when clicked on.

Can you select nodes from the graphics window?

aardgoose commented 4 years ago

Re highlighting, you have hit a bug. It should and used to grey out the unselected passages. I reworked the highlighting which had become very ugly and obviously broke something in the process. I'll fix that. Incidentally double clicking on a section name cuts that section out to give a smaller model to work with, you can reload the original clicking the name at the top of the selection list.

Re: tree vs list. It's been largely driven by 1: something that works on phones, 2: limiting the amount of memory etc used in dom objects to create a tree, I'll explore making a lazy loading tree setup as an alternate mode. The early issues I had with memory have been reduced a lot after getting a few changes upstreamed in three.js.

I'll have a look at station selection in aven. You can select stations in the graphic display, for instance with 'shading by distance'. Well - you could apart from on the demo version which I upgraded to the latest Three.js which broke it. One liner fix.

In that mode, right click selects a station to measure passage distance from (and shades legs by distance from that point (shortest survey distance, not straightline distance) and left click selects station to show distance to.