aaren / notedown

Markdown <=> IPython Notebook
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Encoding error when loading notebook written in markdown in Jupyter #48

Open chozelinek opened 8 years ago

chozelinek commented 8 years ago


I've created a markdown document jose.md containing some accented characters like:

## Sobre mí

José de España.

When I tried to load it in Jupyter after activating markdown format by using this:

printf "c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = 'notedown.NotedownContentsManager'" >> ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py

I get an encoding error:

Unreadable Notebook: /home/researcher/wwc/_friends/jose.md UnicodeDecodeError('ascii', b'---\ntitle: Jos\xc3\xa9\n---\n\n## Sobre m\xc3\xad\n\nJos\xc3\xa9 de Espa\xc3\xb1\n', 14, 15, 'ordinal not in range(128)')

However, I've I try to create a new notebook within Jupyter, and I add the same text in a markdown cell does not happing anything.

I get a similar error when trying to add accented characters in an already existing and running markdown notebook, if I try to save.

Unexpected error while saving file: wwc/_friends/jose5.md 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xe9' In position 218: ordinal not in range(128)

I think it is something that has to do with notedown. Since I can add UTF-8 characters in markdown cells in native jupyter notebooks. And run/load/save without any issue.

Any hints?

aaren commented 8 years ago

I can reproduce this with your input and python 2. Should be able to fix.

aaren commented 8 years ago

I think I've fixed the read case: can you see if the latest master fixes your problem?

I was unable to reproduce the write case (putting accented characters in a markdown cell and saving). Can you tell me some more about your environment - python / jupyter versions, notedown version (latest master?) - and also give an explicit set of steps to reproduce the problem?

chozelinek commented 8 years ago

Hi @aaren The master fixes the read case. Regarding the write case, it fails in both markdown and code cells.

My environment:

Take an already existing notebook in markdown format and write in a code cell something like:

name = 'José'

And then try to save. It should yield an error.

Say that the cell is a markdown one:

# Sobre José

Soy José de España

And try to save.

In both cases you should get an error at saving.