aaren / notedown

Markdown <=> IPython Notebook
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Jupyter Lab: use markdown as its storage format #82

Open lamyergeier opened 6 years ago

lamyergeier commented 6 years ago

From your Readme.md

Editing in the browser (new!)
You can configure IPython / Jupyter to seamlessly use markdown as its storage format. Add the following to your config file:

c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = 'notedown.NotedownContentsManager'
Now you can edit your markdown files in the browser, execute code, create plots - all stored in markdown!

For Jupyter, your config file is jupyter_notebook_config.py in ~/.jupyter.

For Jupyter lab:

jupyter-lab --generate-config

The method you provided works nicely with jupyter notebook, but is not working like that for Jupyter lab. Could you please extend the support to Jupyter-lab.

grst commented 6 years ago

Depends on https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/4924.

grst commented 6 years ago

Fixed in the latest development version of jupyter. There is now a 'Notebook' entry in the 'Open With' context menu for such notebooks.