aaren / sparse_dmd

sparse dynamic mode decomposition in python
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Matlab plot #4

Open matteoalpe opened 7 years ago

matteoalpe commented 7 years ago


I am trying to use the code with your data of the three cases in order to understand how DMD works. For my thesis project at Cranfield University I have to investigate a transient simulation data of a 3D S-duct with the DMD method along 2D planes.

I ru the codes in matlab with this order: 1) snapshots_channel.m 2) run_dmdsp.m 3) plots.m

but 3) gives me this error: Undefined function or variable Edmd error in plots (line 5) plot(imag(log(Edmd)), abs(xdmd), 'ko')

I admit that I am not good in coding and I am trying to learn!

Thank you very much I hope you can help me!
