aarentai / Metric-Cnn-3D-IPMI

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Output not as expected #1

Open Venkat-Shadeslayer opened 2 months ago

Venkat-Shadeslayer commented 2 months ago

Hey! Thank you so much for this code and the paper! I read the paper and it was very informative.

I am now working on running the code mentioned in the Github repo, and I have followed all the instructions as specified. However, the output does not seem to tally with the expectations stated in the paper.

The inference code ran for a few hours and the output files are exactly as this documentation dictates, that is in a newly generated folder called "Checkpoints" where "111312_learned_metric_final.nhdr" and "111312_learned_metric_final.raw" files have been created.(Exactly as the code said it would)

However, when I converted the .raw file to .jpeg and tried looking at the output, this is what I found. (Attaching a screenshot below). This image looks like only the noise has been captured!

Could someone please help me out and point out where I am going wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot

Venkat Sai

PS: Please feel free to contact me via email : coderjammy@gmail.com


aarentai commented 2 months ago

Hi have you tried to visualize 111312_learned_metric_final.nhdr and 111312_learned_metric_final.raw together in 3d Slicer? Typically, we won't convert it to jpeg directly. Besides, I would suggest you to start with the 2d example first https://github.com/aarentai/Metric-Cnn-2D-IPMI inside it will have a function show_2d_tensors to visualize the tensor

Venkat-Shadeslayer commented 2 months ago

Hey! Thank you so much for getting back. I will defnitely try the method you mentioned above, tomorrow.

Thanks 😄