Open ciros88 opened 1 year ago
if #139 preference is enabled then add the track to the current selected/used playlist.
if #139 is disabled or not implemented then open a new bzr2 instance adding the track:
1) on the default playlist or 2) to a new one if default playlist isn't the current selected/used but others exists
choose the behaviour you prefer: indeed 1 is more simple and probably better to choose as 2 needs to decide a strategy for playlists behaviour and should be done in another issue.
in any of these cases, the added track should be played replacing current ones or enqueued depending on #139 checkbox "enqueue items"
2.0.50.Alpha: playback of m3u playlists opened from external action works, but start playing from the the last playlist track
Yes, and what do you think should happen? Playing the first track in the clicked playlist?
2.0.60.alpha: when launch a m3u/m3u8 playlist from the external it starts playing from the last m3u/m3u8 track instead of the first
here the detailed behavior to use when launching files from the external.
one instance mode enabled:
1.1. enqueue items is disabled:
1.2. enqueue items is enabled:
one instance mode disabled:
What should happen? Add file to what playlist? Start playing it? etc.