aaron-rub / aaron-rub1

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Test Pop Quiz Thingy #5

Open aaron-rub opened 7 months ago

aaron-rub commented 7 months ago

My score = 3.15/4

  1. Reverse proxy. Server_Name and proxy pass describe the server name def and proxy pass def

A proxy pass is used to request from other servers (?)

server name is what server is going to be requested, essentially which DNS port image

My score: .9

  1. show a jwt login process, split the browser screen and show after login that you go to a page that requires auth and creates a cookie.

My Score: .45

  1. explain security configuration roles that are required to acces spring_boot, request matcher that shows a permit all and a request matcher that shows a authentication required image

My score: .9

  1. explain a pojo and changes to a pojo, show pojo in vscode editor, highlight something you changed, show pojo result via data in postman

A pojo (Plain Old Java object) Sets conventions to make the structure of a class more simple

Adding, modifying, or removing fields, updating methods to reflect the new structure or behavior. changes must be backward-compatible.


My score: .8