aaronbieber / sunshine.el

An Emacs package for displaying the forecast from OpenWeatherMap.
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Add unit representation to the output #3

Closed mr-wunderlich closed 9 years ago

mr-wunderlich commented 9 years ago

This was done in regards to the open issue about units (#2). After I started, I saw that you already added the units to the web request, but the proper units(Fahrenheit and Celsius) weren't shown in the UI. So I added them. I thought it might be nice to see them instead of just numbers.

It's a small addition and my first time using elisp, so I'm not sure whether there's a better way to insert the unit, but the solution seemed obvious and I couldn't find how to maybe use the tag from the radio type which already contains C and F.

I'm very thankful for any feedback.

mr-wunderlich commented 9 years ago

I moved tacking the representation into sunshine-build-simple-forecast as you requested.

aaronbieber commented 9 years ago

Thanks Alexander. I like your solution, but since I wasn't using the other temperatures in there anyway, I just built a list by hand, selecting only min and max, and I pushed it to master only moments ago. I didn't see your update because I was deep into fighting a bug that was causing the forecast data not to get cached, which is also fixed now.

mr-wunderlich commented 9 years ago

Ok. No worries. Still nice to get good feedback :)