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Suggestion: New Reputation System #60

Closed Reedyn closed 12 years ago

Reedyn commented 12 years ago

As it stands right now the reputation is quite linear, and it won't really reflect your current activity compared to the rest of the community. I suggest a more complex system to use as reputation what takes into account the reputation on all the other people on the website as well, so that it better reflects your current activity, if you intend to give more privileges and moderator tools through reputation this would help. Since people would have to keep being active to stay on top.


Reedyn commented 12 years ago

If this system were to be implemented another way to promote activity and voting on the site could be implemented.

Giving +1 reputation for the first x votes of that day. This will permanently give people reason to be active and use the voting system.

Devoralmas commented 12 years ago

Guess the ideal would be something like the Google search engine. Getting rep for who links (upvotes?) you, increased if it's from an "official" source,... But it's more difficult to implement and to explain in a simple FAQ :P

aaroncox commented 12 years ago

I'm a bit confused as to what your proposing here. All reputation does is reflect your contributions to the site, why would we need to compare it to the rest of the users of the site?

I don't think we'd want to develop a system that would cause users to lose privileges/reputation/level based on current participation, would you want your character to "un-level" if you took a break from an MMO?

gnarf commented 12 years ago

I'm with Jesta on this one - There are only a few ways to lose reputation, being spammy or offensive being the major ones.

Devoralmas commented 12 years ago

In my opinion, the option Reedyn comments would be really suitable for a reputation system...

But more for sites reputation than for users

aaroncox commented 12 years ago

Less hurdles = Good things, however, I'm not sure we want to give people reputation for voting or make it harder to earn/retain levels.

If that answer didn't make sense, then obviously I still don't understand the train of thought here.

aaroncox commented 12 years ago

Closing because this topic seems to have died.