aarondfrancis / fast-paginate

A fast implementation of offset/limit pagination for Laravel.
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withSum results Invalid parameter number #20

Closed helturkey closed 2 years ago

helturkey commented 2 years ago

thanks for your package it helped me to decrease query time from 500 ms to less than 1 ms, but it is not working will with withSum. it returns Invalid parameter number and clear all columns except id.

it also in this case exchange where values as below publish should be 1 and category_id should be 3

select `table`.`id`, (select sum(`another_table`.`views`) from `another_table` where `table`.`id` = `another_table`.`table_id` and `publish` = 3) as `views` from `table` where `category_id` = 1 and `publish` = ? order by `views` desc limit 24 offset 648
aarondfrancis commented 2 years ago

Hey @helturkey, thanks for the issue! Can you show me the PHP code that generated this? Thanks!

aarondfrancis commented 2 years ago

Also can you make sure you're using the latest version of the package?

VirusEcks commented 2 years ago

i just faced this error

select users.id, (select count(*) from follows where users.id = follows.follow_id and follows.follow_type = ?) as followers_count from users where id != ? and users.deleted_at is null and users.enabled = ? order by followers_count desc limit 5 offset 0

passed arguments:

array:2 [▼ 0 => 11 1 => true ]

follow, enable, delete are traits

i'm using version 0.1.7

aarondfrancis commented 2 years ago

@VirusEcks can you give me the PHP code that generated this? Thanks!

VirusEcks commented 2 years ago

the query is scattered among many function/ files but i'll try to put it together as best as i could (so i apologize in advance)

    public function followers(): MorphMany
        return $this->MorphMany(Follow::class, 'follow');

scope('soft_delete') // laravel

scope('enable_disable') // copy of above but for enable field

    public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model)
         $builder->Where($model->getQualifiedEnabledColumn(), true);


    public function scopeOrderByFollowersCount($query, string $direction = 'desc')
        return $query->withCount('followers')->orderBy('followers_count', $direction);
    public function getIsFollowingAttribute()
        /* @var Model $this */
        if ($this->relationLoaded('followers')) {
            return $this->followers
                    //->where('pivot.accepted_at', '!=', null)
                    ->where('pivot.owner_id', Auth::user()?->getKey())
                    ->where('pivot.owner_type', Auth::user()?->getMorphClass())

        return $this->followers()
                //->where('accepted_at', '!=', null)
                ->where('owner_id', Auth::user()?->getKey())
                ->where('owner_type', Auth::user()?->getMorphClass())
// with eager loaded relations
->with(['avatar', 'cover', 'entity_infos'])
// condition for query
->where('id', '!=', 11)
//  scopes
// paginate
->fastPaginate(5, ['*'], page: 1);
// append
aarondfrancis commented 2 years ago

Excellent, thank you! I can dig into this now.

helturkey commented 2 years ago

this issue occurs only when you try to use withSum with condition like so:

->withSum(['posts' => fn($query) => $query->where('published', true)], 'views')

but it works if you used

->withSum('posts' , 'views')
aarondfrancis commented 2 years ago

I think we fixed this one with #37. If a column includes a binding then we'll defer to regular pagination just to be safe. Let me know if you run into anything else and thanks for all the info!

helturkey commented 2 years ago

it works fine, thank you