aaronds / arduino-nrf24l01

An Arduino port of the http://www.tinkerer.eu/AVRLib/nRF24L01 library.
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Error when adding .ZIP file to library #12

Open ishyaerospace opened 1 year ago

ishyaerospace commented 1 year ago

I first extracted the contents inside the folder then I went on Arduino IDE to add the extracted folder however it did not let me add and I didn't see anything in the extracted file in the Arduino prompt however I could see the content of the file inside file explorer. I tried to press and open the Mirf folder which for some reason did not have the content inside and it didn't let me add it to Arduino library.

I then instead of trying to add the extracted folder, I added the .ZIP folder which prompted me to open it. It then closed which it is meant to do. however instead of it being added to library it displayed:

" Error: 13 INTERNAL: Library install failed: moving extracted archive to destination dir: library not valid"

It also displays in the terminal when I try to upload the program:



compilation terminated.

exit status 1

Compilation error: Mirf.h: No such file or directory

I have the latest version of Arduino and I have made no changes to the provided Arduino program

ishyaerospace commented 1 year ago

I have fixed my problem i downloaded the ZIP and then I got the Mirf folder inside and took it out i then made it into a ZIP folder of its own and then I uploaded it