aaroneiche / do-want

Do Want - Open Source Gift Registry
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User editing their info will reset approved flash #63

Closed aaroneiche closed 11 years ago

aaroneiche commented 11 years ago

Original author: ke...@envail.com (December 05, 2012 17:50:18)

I was testing the "I forgot my password" button on the login screen. I used it to reset the password for a test user I'd made. I received the e-mail with the temporary password, logged in as that user with the temporary password, and set a new password normally. After that, I logged out of that user and tried to log right back in with the new password, but it didn't work. After some troubleshooting, I discovered (once logged in under the admin account) that the test user was no longer marked as "approved". Once I checked the "User is Approved" box, I could log back in as the test user.

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/do-want/issues/detail?id=63

aaroneiche commented 11 years ago

From ke...@envail.com on December 05, 2012 18:12:01 Actually, it looks like this has nothing to do with the password reset function (which should have been obvious to me, since it allowed me to login with the temporary password just fine).

When a user changes their own password via "Change my settings", it seems to remove their wishlist approval. Once they log out, they can't log back in until an admin re-approves them.

aaroneiche commented 11 years ago

From aaron.ei...@gmail.com on December 09, 2012 22:25:37 This is related to the method that changing the user settings acts. Because the control isn't rendered, it defaults to unapproved in the method call.