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Tool icon alignment #94

Closed jduino closed 8 years ago

jduino commented 10 years ago

Minor/cosmetic issue. Tool icons do not stay lined up in a particular 'column' when different numbers of icons are present. Attached is a photo from Firefox 25 on Linux (FC19). Same thing under Chrome. This is when viewing another's list. tool_icon_alignment

aaroneiche commented 10 years ago

Would the preference be to display all icons all the time, with some greyed out? or hide icons but maintain the space? In widths smaller than 980px, the icons get really crowded. I think the maximum number of icons that can be displayed in the space at any given time is 6 (reserve, release, buy, return, info and copy item), but most often it is 4 (info, buy/return, reserve/release, and copy) due to people usually only wanting one of a given item.

what's the most preferable for you?

jduino commented 10 years ago

Hmm excellent question. My personal 'expectation' was they only appear when available, but greyed out is an option. That's nice so you just "know what you're missing." However on some applications it can be tough to determine what is greyed and what is valid.

So my vote (and of my wife and 13yo son), have all the icons there, just greyed out so long as you can tell they are unavailable. That could also be reinforced through the tooltip, or lack thereof for unavailable.

Of course, the icons available vary from page to page, and that's only what we're talking about. Obviously a tool on my personal list that isn't available at all on "Other People's List" shouldn't have a 'column' for it.

aaroneiche commented 8 years ago

I don't believe this issue exists anymore since all the icons were updated to the same size. Closing unless we encounter it again.