aarongrider / vision-camera-ocr

VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin to detect text in real time using MLKit Text Detector (OCR)
MIT License
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Japanese Text Identification #21

Open killatsignlife opened 1 year ago

killatsignlife commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying to do a OCR App made in React Native, and I met vision-camera-ocr. It's working fine with Latin letters! But I would like to extract japanese characteres (katakana, hirakana, kanji). I found that vision-camera-ocr uses Google's MLKit v2, but I do not know how to implement the identification for the languages' cited.

Thanks for now!

rzhbishal commented 1 year ago

@LeiteSS did you try to change the pod file according tot he Google's MLKit v2? I did that and now it's not recognizing even the latin text.