aaronjensen / sass-media_query_combiner

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Using in combination with gulp-ruby-sass #11

Closed wayferer closed 9 years ago

wayferer commented 10 years ago

Hi there,

I'm new to all this so excuse me if this is the wrong place to ask but I am having an issue with my media queries not being combined. I have the following in my gulpfile:

gulp.task('sass',function () {
            loadPath: ['_scss'],
            require: ['sass-media_query_combiner'],
            style: "compressed",
            trace: true,
            sourcemap: true,
            sourcemapPath: "../../../_scss",
            noCache: true

Any thoughts?

aaronjensen commented 10 years ago

hm, I've not used gulp to do it, sorry. It seems like it should work if that require directive is equivalent to sass -r ...

Does it error out or just not combine? Could you try compiling from the command line w/ sass -r sass-media_query_combiner?

wayferer commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I tried finding out if it is equivalent but was unable to. I'm pretty new to Gulp so still trying to get my head around it. I normally manually built using the build tool in Sublime Text 2 so I know it works from the command line fine. There are no errors being thrown from what I can tell, it just doesn't combine. So I'm assuming that it's just not being called.

I tried posting an issue in the gulp-ruby-sass repo but haven't heard anything yet, so was hoping you might be able to shed some light.

aaronjensen commented 9 years ago

@wayferer it seems like the problem is actually sourcemap: true. If you set that to false then it works fine.

aaronjensen commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, supporting source maps would take quite a bit of work and I probably won't get to it, sorry :/

wayferer commented 9 years ago

Tested it and you're correct. Thanks for your help :)

aaronjensen commented 9 years ago

@wayferer you may want to check out https://github.com/hail2u/node-css-mqpacker