aaronksaunders / AngularFire2-Ionic2-Facebook

Facebook Login w/AngularFire2 and Ionic2
19 stars 8 forks source link

Infos + feature request. #2

Open numerized opened 7 years ago

numerized commented 7 years ago

Working great, people need to edit their package.json though

"cordovaPlugins": [
      "id": "cordova-plugin-facebook4",
      "locator": "cordova-plugin-facebook4",
      "variables": {
        "APP_ID": "[YOUR APP ID]",
        "APP_NAME": "[YOUR APP NAME]"

Would it be possible to add a fallback Facebook login method for people login from Webpage ? Thanks

aaronksaunders commented 7 years ago

do you mean make it work with ionic serve ?

numerized commented 7 years ago

exactly, I've found how, it's so simple

doWebFacebookLogin() { 
      provider: AuthProviders.Facebook,
      method: AuthMethods.Popup,
numerized commented 7 years ago

I've found that using ionic is actually perfect to follow my code once deploy everywhere customer's strategy, so I need this type of fallback.

numerized commented 7 years ago

Another nice feature I'd like to see meanwhile angularFire2 is debugged is the possibility to reuse the Firebase Auth token after closing and reopening the app. AngularFire was able to keep users logged in even after app closing and reopening.