aaronksaunders / ci.geofencing

Quick Example a basic IOS Module for Appcelerator Titanium to demonstrate geofencing
41 stars 18 forks source link

distribution? #1

Closed yozef closed 10 years ago

yozef commented 11 years ago

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the module. I've been trying to distribute the module, but getting an error: 1- Updated titanium.xcconfig with TITANIUM_SDK pointing to my path 2- Used the default 2.1.4.GA and 3.0.1.GA 3- Terminal:

QuadMac:ci.geofencing thisUser$ python ./build.py

[WARN] please update the LICENSE file with your license text before distributing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "build.py", line 216, in <module>
  File "build.py", line 161, in build_module
    from tools import ensure_dev_path
ImportError: No module named tools

Update: Sorry got it to work... Was an issue of SDK path.

dineshkoli commented 8 years ago

Hi yozef, I have the same problem. Can you please tell me exact TITANIUM_SDK path on Mac machine. My code is below, please check and let me know is it correct path i am giving.?

!/usr/bin/env python


Appcelerator Titanium Module Packager

# # import os, subprocess, sys, glob, string import zipfile from datetime import date

cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_filename)) os.chdir(cwd) required_module_keys = ['name','version','moduleid','description','copyright','license','copyright','platform','minsdk'] module_defaults = { 'description':'Instagram Module', 'author': 'Dinesh Koli', 'license' : 'Eeshana.com', 'copyright' : 'Copyright (c) %s by Eeshana Solutions Pvt. Ltd.' % str(date.today().year), } module_license_default = "TODO: place your license here and we'll include it in the module distribution"

def find_sdk(config): sdk = config['~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/'] return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(sdk))

def replace_vars(config,token): idx = token.find('$(') while idx != -1: idx2 = token.find(')',idx+2) if idx2 == -1: break key = token[idx+2:idx2] if not config.has_key(key): break token = token.replace('$(%s)' % key, config[key]) idx = token.find('$(') return token

def read_ti_xcconfig(): contents = open(os.path.join(cwd,'titanium.xcconfig')).read() config = {} for line in contents.splitlines(False): line = line.strip() if line[0:2]=='//': continue idx = line.find('=') if idx > 0: key = line[0:idx].strip() value = line[idx+1:].strip() config[key] = replace_vars(config,value) return config

def generate_doc(config): docdir = os.path.join(cwd,'documentation') if not os.path.exists(docdir): print "Couldn't find documentation file at: %s" % docdir return None

    import markdown2 as markdown
except ImportError:
    import markdown
documentation = []
for file in os.listdir(docdir):
    if file in ignoreFiles or os.path.isdir(os.path.join(docdir, file)):
    md = open(os.path.join(docdir,file)).read()
    html = markdown.markdown(md)
return documentation

def compile_js(manifest,config): js_file = os.path.join(cwd,'assets','jp.msmc.tiinstagramutil.js') if not os.path.exists(js_file): return

from compiler import Compiler
    import json
    import simplejson as json

path = os.path.basename(js_file)
compiler = Compiler(cwd, manifest['moduleid'], manifest['name'], 'commonjs')
method = compiler.compile_commonjs_file(path,js_file)

exports = open('metadata.json','w')
json.dump({'exports':compiler.exports }, exports)

method += '\treturn filterDataInRange([NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:data length:sizeof(data) freeWhenDone:NO], ranges[0]);'

f = os.path.join(cwd,'Classes','JpMsmcTiinstagramutilModuleAssets.m')
c = open(f).read()
templ_search = ' moduleAsset\n{\n'
idx = c.find(templ_search) + len(templ_search)
before = c[0:idx]
after = """


@end """ newc = before + method + after

if newc!=c:
    x = open(f,'w')

def die(msg): print msg sys.exit(1)

def warn(msg): print "[WARN] %s" % msg

def validate_license(): c = open(os.path.join(cwd,'LICENSE')).read() if c.find(module_license_default)!=-1: warn('please update the LICENSE file with your license text before distributing')

def validate_manifest(): path = os.path.join(cwd,'manifest') f = open(path) if not os.path.exists(path): die("missing %s" % path) manifest = {} for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line[0:1]=='#': continue if line.find(':') < 0: continue key,value = line.split(':') manifest[key.strip()]=value.strip() for key in required_module_keys: if not manifest.has_key(key): die("missing required manifest key '%s'" % key)
if module_defaults.has_key(key): defvalue = module_defaults[key] curvalue = manifest[key] if curvalue==defvalue: warn("please update the manifest key: '%s' to a non-default value" % key) return manifest,path

ignoreFiles = ['.DS_Store','.gitignore','libTitanium.a','titanium.jar','README','jp.msmc.tiinstagramutil.js'] ignoreDirs = ['.DS_Store','.svn','.git','CVSROOT']

def zipdir(zf,dir,basepath,ignore=[]): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for name in ignoreDirs: if name in dirs: dirs.remove(name) # don't visit ignored directories
for file in files: if file in ignoreFiles: continue e = os.path.splitext(file) if len(e)==2 and e[1]=='.pyc':continue from
= os.path.join(root, file)
to = from.replace(dir, basepath, 1) zf.write(from, to)

def globlibfiles(): files = [] for libfile in glob.glob('build/*/_.a'): if libfile.find('Release-')!=-1: files.append(libfile) return files

def build_module(manifest,config): from tools import ensure_dev_path ensure_dev_path()

rc = os.system("xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release")
if rc != 0:
    die("xcodebuild failed")
rc = os.system("xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release")
if rc != 0:
    die("xcodebuild failed")
# build the merged library using lipo
moduleid = manifest['moduleid']
libpaths = ''
for libfile in glob_libfiles():
    libpaths+='%s ' % libfile

os.system("lipo %s -create -output build/lib%s.a" %(libpaths,moduleid))

def package_module(manifest,mf,config): name = manifest['name'].lower() moduleid = manifest['moduleid'].lower() version = manifest['version'] modulezip = '%s-iphone-%s.zip' % (moduleid,version) if os.path.exists(modulezip): os.remove(modulezip) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(modulezip, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) modulepath = 'modules/iphone/%s/%s' % (moduleid,version) zf.write(mf,'%s/manifest' % modulepath) libname = 'lib%s.a' % moduleid zf.write('build/%s' % libname, '%s/%s' % (modulepath,libname)) docs = generate_doc(config) if docs!=None: for doc in docs: for file, html in doc.iteritems(): filename = string.replace(file,'.md','.html') zf.writestr('%s/documentation/%s'%(modulepath,filename),html) for dn in ('assets','example','platform'): if os.path.exists(dn): zip_dir(zf,dn,'%s/%s' % (modulepath,dn),['README']) zf.write('LICENSE','%s/LICENSE' % modulepath) zf.write('module.xcconfig','%s/module.xcconfig' % modulepath) exports_file = 'metadata.json' if os.path.exists(exports_file): zf.write(exports_file, '%s/%s' % (modulepath, exports_file)) zf.close()

if name == 'main': manifest,mf = validate_manifest() validate_license() config = read_ti_xcconfig()

sdk = find_sdk(config)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(sdk, "common"))
