Closed aaronmaynard closed 6 years ago
Hello there! I just started learning how to use GitHub, and I would like to use this issue as my first pull request (other than a hello-world GitHub tutorial).
Could I have a go at it?
@georgepampalis Go for it! 👍
Did I do everything correctly?
This issue is tagged :octocat: first-timers-only. It is only for people who have never contributed to open source before and are looking for an easy way take their first steps.
Consider this as your chance to dip your toe into the world of open-source and get some bragging rights for writing code that makes drones fly, cars find charging stations, helps people and goods move from place to place and more...
Thank you for your help ❤️
Your task is to remove the notice on the footer of the webpage, which you can view HERE. We are removing this because the related issue has been resolved.
Just remove the notice in the docs/index.html in the footer section.
Asking for help
We appreciate your effort in taking the time to work on this issue and help out the open source community. If you need any help, feel free to ask below. We are always happy to help 😄