After pull request #51 i'm getting the following error on the packages of chrome and firefox.
Add-IntuneWin32App : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'AllowAvailableUninstall'. Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter". Boolean para
meters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0.
At C:\IntuneProjects\packagefactory\scripts\Create-Win32App.ps1:496 char:40
FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentTransformationError,Add-IntuneWin32App
If i comment out the part in Create-Win32App.ps1 it is working again.
After pull request #51 i'm getting the following error on the packages of chrome and firefox. ` Add-IntuneWin32App : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'AllowAvailableUninstall'. Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter". Boolean para meters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0. At C:\IntuneProjects\packagefactory\scripts\Create-Win32App.ps1:496 char:40