aaronpk / Google-Voice-PHP-API

Unmaintaned: Please do not contact me with support requests. If this no longer works, it's because Google Voice changed their systems. I will accept pull requests that fix things. Check out http://twilio.com for a much better API for sending and receiving SMSs.
228 stars 108 forks source link

Both getUnreadSMS() getReadSMS() appear to only return the first text of a "thread" #10

Open opoq opened 11 years ago

opoq commented 11 years ago

If I send by sms "Text 1," "Text 2," and "Text 3," to my Google Voice account, the texts retrieved by Google-Voice-PHP-API would only include "Text #1" for texts recieved from a single number in a short period of time.

I'm afraid I don't know enough about Google Voice to know if this is a limitation of what Google exposes or not, but I hope you could offer a solution in either case. Cheers.