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Feature request: GitLab authentication provider #82

Open reinhart1010 opened 2 years ago

reinhart1010 commented 2 years ago

GitLab allows users to add website links on their own profile, so it would be feasible to integrate GitLab accounts to IndieAuth.


gRegorLove commented 11 months ago

This came up in chat as a potential alternative to github.

Gitlab OAuth2 docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/oauth2.html

aaronpk commented 10 months ago

I am not opposed to this, but it will be limited to gitlab.com. Unless gitlab opens up a public dynamic client registration endpoint I don't have a way to make it work with arbitrary gitlab instances.

In other news, I went to go register an OAuth client on gitlab.com and my account has been blocked for some reason. I am asking support about this, and will hopefully find out the reason I was blocked. I only ever used the account to comment on other projects, but I didn't have any repositories of my own. Depending on what they say, I may or may not have enough confidence that my account won't be blocked again in the future, which would break an OAuth client registered to me, so we'll see.