Thankfully this doesn't affect anything with the CNAME rights, but it's an avoidable error. @aaronr suggested this be fixed be reinstating the master branch as the primary branch and hosting on gh-pages separately just on this repository. This removes the awesome tweak that the website is automatically updated on a merge or contributor commit, though.
When someone forks this repo and pushes commits into their fork, the get a warning email from Github:
The page build failed with the following error: CNAME already taken: For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:
Thankfully this doesn't affect anything with the CNAME rights, but it's an avoidable error. @aaronr suggested this be fixed be reinstating the
branch as the primary branch and hosting on gh-pages separately just on this repository. This removes the awesome tweak that the website is automatically updated on a merge or contributor commit, though.