aaronstatic / AaronStatic_modules

My modules for VCV-Rack
MIT License
19 stars 6 forks source link

ChordCV rack crash #3

Closed ContemporaryInsanity closed 3 years ago

ContemporaryInsanity commented 4 years ago


I have a LFO modulating the voicing input, if I then change type using the knob it crashes rack.

Stack trace follows:

[75.333 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 6. Stack trace: 27: ./Rack(+0x1f63b5) [0x55b83422a3b5] 26: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3ef20) [0x7f0940c15f20] 25: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0xc7) [0x7f0940c15e97] 24: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x141) [0x7f0940c17801] 23: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x89897) [0x7f0940c60897] 22: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x134cff) [0x7f0940d0bcff] 21: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x134d21) [0x7f0940d0bd21] 20: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x132a10) [0x7f0940d09a10] 19: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x131f29) [0x7f0940d08f29] 18: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(_IO_default_xsputn+0x74) [0x7f0940c65494] 17: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(_IO_vfprintf+0x1c5b) [0x7f0940c33feb] 16: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(vsprintf_chk+0x9b) [0x7f0940d08fcb] 15: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(sprintf_chk+0x8a) [0x7f0940d08efa] 14: /home/ewen/.Rack/plugins-v1/AaronStatic/plugin.so(_ZN13ChordCVWidget18ChordDisplayWidget4drawERKN4rack6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x162) [0x7f09366a6646] 13: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 12: ./Rack(_ZN4rack3app12ModuleWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x59) [0x55b834263743] 11: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 10: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 9: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 8: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget10ZoomWidget4drawERKNS0_6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x9a) [0x55b834273902] 7: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 6: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 5: ./Rack(_ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x33) [0x55b8342331ed] 4: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1d1) [0x55b834274a99] 3: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6Window3runEv+0x6d4) [0x55b8342246f6] 2: ./Rack(main+0x4cc) [0x55b83419a8ec] 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe7) [0x7f0940bf8b97] 0: ./Rack(_start+0x2a) [0x55b83419f89a]

Monsieur-Zinj commented 4 years ago

same issue here, even when I turn the first 2 knobs ( debian ). Adding here the logs of jackq :

Sun Feb  2 19:54:44 2020: New client 'RtMidi Input Client' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'RtMidi Output Client' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'RtApiJackCount' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: Client 'RtApiJackCount' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'RtApiJackCount' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: Client 'RtApiJackCount' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'RtApiJackInfo' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: Client 'RtApiJackInfo' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'RtApiJackInfo' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: Client 'RtApiJackInfo' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'RtApiJackCount' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: Client 'RtApiJackCount' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: New client 'VCV Rack' with PID 2234
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = VCV Rack was not finished, state = Running
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = VCV Rack was not finished, state = Triggered
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = VCV Rack was not finished, state = Running
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = VCV Rack was not finished, state = Triggered
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = VCV Rack was not finished, state = Triggered
Sun Feb  2 19:54:45 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Failed to find port 'VCV Rack:inport 0' to destroy
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Failed to find port 'VCV Rack:inport 1' to destroy
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Failed to find port 'VCV Rack:outport 0' to destroy
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Failed to find port 'VCV Rack:outport 1' to destroy
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = RtMidi Input Client was not finished, state = Triggered
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = RtMidi Output Client was not finished, state = Triggered
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: Client 'VCV Rack' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 25 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = VCV Rack notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 28 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = VCV Rack notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 25 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = RtMidi Input Client notification = 18 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 28 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = RtMidi Output Client notification = 18 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 28 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = RtMidi Output Client notification = 18 val1 = 1 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 25 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:54 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = RtMidi Input Client notification = 18 val1 = 1 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = RtMidi Output Client was not finished, state = Triggered
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: Client 'RtMidi Input Client' with PID 2234 is out
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 28 err = Broken pipe
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = RtMidi Input Client notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sun Feb  2 19:54:55 2020: Client 'RtMidi Output Client' with PID 2234 is out
jimallman commented 4 years ago

Similar crashes here, using SEQ-3 module to drive the chord progression and Conv module to convert to +/- voltages for Root and Type.

I've saved my patch with the sequencer paused. This is stable until I start SEQ-3 (by clicking Run), then Rack will crash after just a few chords (steps) have played. While the Rack UI is frozen, the sound will usually keep playing. Here's the end of my Rack log file:

[466.560 info src/patch.cpp:86] Saving patch /Users/jima/Documents/Rack/autosave-v1.vcv
[466.562 info src/settings.cpp:189] Saving settings /Users/jima/Documents/Rack/settings-v1.json
[468.298 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace:
15: 1   Rack                                0x000000010dbf13cd _ZL18fatalSignalHandleri + 45
14: 2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff6ec2cb5d _sigtramp + 29
13: 3   ???                                 0x0000600001959630 0x0 + 105553142847024
12: 4   Rack                                0x000000010dc1bfec _ZN4rack3app12ModuleWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE + 92
11: 5   Rack                                0x000000010dc5546e _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
10: 6   Rack                                0x000000010dc5546e _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
9: 7   Rack                                0x000000010dc5546e _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
8: 8   Rack                                0x000000010dc55769 _ZN4rack6widget10ZoomWidget4drawERKNS0_6Widget8DrawArgsE + 121
7: 9   Rack                                0x000000010dc5546e _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
6: 10  Rack                                0x000000010dc5546e _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
5: 11  Rack                                0x000000010dc51214 _ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE + 52
4: 12  Rack                                0x000000010dc5546e _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
3: 13  Rack                                0x000000010dc092f3 _ZN4rack6Window3runEv + 1395
2: 14  Rack                                0x000000010dbf0efa main + 1434
1: 15  Rack                                0x000000010db8a034 start + 52
0: 16  ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1

EDIT: By the way, this module is great!

worktycho commented 4 years ago

It looks like this can happen if the selected inversion is a sharp when drawing. The cause seems to be not providing space for the trailing null in the name buffer. I've submitted an MR with a fix.

Eurikon commented 3 years ago

Hi, i like your Chord module a lot and use it often, but it crashes all the time as report above, also for me. Will this be fixed anytime soon?

` [11340.268 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace:

1: 1 Rack 0x0000000102e4f3cd _ZL18fatalSignalHandleri + 45

0: 2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff20376d7d _sigtramp + 29 `

KingKone commented 3 years ago

I love the ChordCV but same here:

[66,806 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 6. Stack trace: 26: ./Rack() [0x56d2b1] 25: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x3cf80) [0x7fe20729cf80] 24: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x145) [0x7fe20729cef5] 23: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(abort+0x116) [0x7fe207286862] 22: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x7ef38) [0x7fe2072def38] 21: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(fortify_fail+0x2a) [0x7fe20736e8ba] 20: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x10d154) [0x7fe20736d154] 19: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x7775d) [0x7fe2072d775d] 18: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(_IO_default_xsputn+0x71) [0x7fe2072e31a1] 17: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x6d15b) [0x7fe2072cd15b] 16: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x77804) [0x7fe2072d7804] 15: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(sprintf_chk+0xaf) [0x7fe20736cc3f] 14: /home/daniel/.Rack/plugins-v1/AaronStatic/plugin.so(_ZN13ChordCVWidget18ChordDisplayWidget4drawERKN4rack6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x162) [0x7fe204c49646] 13: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 12: ./Rack(_ZN4rack3app12ModuleWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x5b) [0x5a28ff] 11: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 10: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 9: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 8: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget10ZoomWidget4drawERKNS0_6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x9a) [0x5b3be4] 7: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 6: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 5: ./Rack(_ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE+0x33) [0x5750ed] 4: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE+0x1ce) [0x5b4bda] 3: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6Window3runEv+0x698) [0x5665da] 2: ./Rack(main+0x448) [0x4e6298] 1: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xd5) [0x7fe207287b25] 0: ./Rack(_start+0x29) [0x4eb1f9]

Petervos2018 commented 3 years ago

Does this solve your problem ? :


KingKone commented 3 years ago

Yes it's the fix from the PR from worktycho. I compiled it. So happy I am Daniel. The VCV topic was made by me

Petervos2018 commented 3 years ago

Not a Linux guy myself, but was hoping that posting in this issue would attract some attention to the guys who posted here with problems, and show them a link to a fix.

KingKone commented 3 years ago

the fix is here: https://github.com/aaronstatic/AaronStatic_modules/pull/6 but aaronstatic has not merged it since summer last year

Eurikon commented 3 years ago

How can we get this fix working for Mac and Windows?

KingKone commented 3 years ago

i try to find someone who can do a windows and osx version and will post them here

tryed to get VCV running on a windows VM and some dll files are missing, and i will not enter dll hell again, left windows years ago because of that shit =D

jimallman commented 3 years ago

Here's your fix compiled for MacOS. It works! (At least my Pachelbel's Canon test patch now repeats with no problems.) Great to be working with ChordCV again!


KingKone commented 3 years ago

Thank u