aaronsteers / hub-cicd-tests

A temporary fork for testing CI/CD stuff...
0 stars 0 forks source link

Demonstration issue for `/test-plugin` slash command #2

Open aaronsteers opened 2 years ago

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

This issue can be used as a demonstration of the capabilities in the HackDay PR:

What it does

This feature responds to slash command comments in PRs and Issues by running a series of predefined tests against any plugin you specify.

How to use

To use, simply put a slash command on the first line of any comment. Slash command comments can be placed both on PRs and Issues.

Things you can type

Any of the following are valid inputs:

/test-plugin name=tap-mysql
/test-plugin name=tap-mysql pip-url="tap-mysql==1.17.4"
/test-plugin name=tap-salesforce pip-url="git+https://github.com/singer-io/tap-salesforce.git@v1.5.4"
/test-plugin name=tap-salesforce pip-url="git+https://github.com/singer-io/tap-salesforce.git@main"
aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-mysql

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

melty-bot % tap-mysql --help
usage: tap-mysql [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -s STATE, --state STATE
                        State file
  -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES
                        Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog
  --catalog CATALOG     Catalog file
  -d, --discover        Do schema discovery

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin naaame=tap-mysql

Unexpected inputs provided: ["naaame"]

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-salesforce pip-url="git+https://github.com/singer-io/tap-salesforce.git@v1.5.4"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

melty-bot % tap-salesforce --help
usage: tap-salesforce [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES]
                      [--catalog CATALOG] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -s STATE, --state STATE
                        State file
  -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES
                        Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog
  --catalog CATALOG     Catalog file
  -d, --discover        Do schema discovery

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago


Required input 'name' not provided

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+htthttps://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

melty-bot % tap-github --help
/home/runner/work/_temp/a6821871-6c6f-41d7-a557-afe9af9922d3.sh: line 1: tap-github: command not found

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

melty-bot % tap-github --help
Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS]

  Execute the Singer tap.

  --state PATH              Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication.
  --catalog PATH            Use a Singer catalog file with the tap.
  --test TEXT               Use --test to sync a single record for each
                            stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output
                            without syncing records.
  --discover                Run the tap in discovery mode.
  --config TEXT             Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use
                            environment variables.
  --format [json|markdown]  Specify output style for --about
  --about                   Display package metadata and settings.
  --version                 Display the package version.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Processing failed. :confused:

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

melty-bot % tap-github --help
Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS]

  Execute the Singer tap.

  --state PATH              Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication.
  --catalog PATH            Use a Singer catalog file with the tap.
  --test TEXT               Use --test to sync a single record for each
                            stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output
                            without syncing records.
  --discover                Run the tap in discovery mode.
  --config TEXT             Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use
                            environment variables.
  --format [json|markdown]  Specify output style for --about
  --about                   Display package metadata and settings.
  --version                 Display the package version.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
> - ✅ 'catalog'
> - ✅ 'state'
> - ✅ 'about'


Auto-generated README text:\n------\n


# `tap-github`

GitHub tap class.

Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets.

## Capabilities

* `catalog`
* `state`
* `discover`
* `about`
* `stream-maps`
* `schema-flattening`

## Settings

| Setting               | Required | Default | Description |
| user_agent            | False    | None    |             |
| metrics_log_level     | False    | None    |             |
| auth_token            | False    | None    | GitHub token to authenticate with. |
| additional_auth_tokens| False    | None    | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. |
| rate_limit_buffer     | False    | None    | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. |
| searches              | False    | None    |             |
| organizations         | False    | None    |             |
| repositories          | False    | None    |             |
| user_usernames        | False    | None    |             |
| user_ids              | False    | None    |             |
| start_date            | False    | None    |             |
| stream_maps           | False    | None    |             |
| stream_map_config     | False    | None    |             |
| skip_parent_streams   | False    | None    | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are |
| flattening_enabled    | False    | None    | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. |
| flattening_max_depth  | False    | None    | The max depth to flatten schemas. |

A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

Processing failed. :confused:

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+zzz-https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

Processing failed. :confused:

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output:

Auto-generated README.md ------ # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output

Processing failed. :confused:

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output
Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output
Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-mysql

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Job output
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-mysql --help usage: tap-mysql [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file -s STATE, --state STATE State file -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog instead --catalog CATALOG Catalog file -d, --discover Do schema discovery ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'

Processing complete!

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-mysql

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-mysql --help usage: tap-mysql [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file -s STATE, --state STATE State file -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog instead --catalog CATALOG Catalog file -d, --discover Do schema discovery ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-mysql

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-mysql --help usage: tap-mysql [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file -s STATE, --state STATE State file -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog instead --catalog CATALOG Catalog file -d, --discover Do schema discovery ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-mysql

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-mysql --help usage: tap-mysql [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file -s STATE, --state STATE State file -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog instead --catalog CATALOG Catalog file -d, --discover Do schema discovery ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'
Version info ```json { "name": "tap-github", "description": "GitHub tap class.", "version": "1.1.1", "sdk_version": "0.4.9", "capabilities": [ "catalog", "state", "discover", "about", "stream-maps", "schema-flattening" ], "settings": { "type": "object", "properties": { "user_agent": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "metrics_log_level": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "auth_token": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "GitHub token to authenticate with." }, "additional_auth_tokens": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "description": "List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits." }, "rate_limit_buffer": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000." }, "searches": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "query": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "required": [ "name", "query" ] } }, "organizations": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "repositories": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_usernames": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_ids": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "start_date": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "stream_maps": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "stream_map_config": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "skip_parent_streams": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are" }, "flattening_enabled": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties." }, "flattening_max_depth": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "The max depth to flatten schemas." } } } } ```

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'
JSON Metadata ```json { "name": "tap-github", "description": "GitHub tap class.", "version": "1.1.1", "sdk_version": "0.4.9", "capabilities": [ "catalog", "state", "discover", "about", "stream-maps", "schema-flattening" ], "settings": { "type": "object", "properties": { "user_agent": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "metrics_log_level": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "auth_token": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "GitHub token to authenticate with." }, "additional_auth_tokens": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "description": "List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits." }, "rate_limit_buffer": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000." }, "searches": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "query": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "required": [ "name", "query" ] } }, "organizations": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "repositories": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_usernames": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_ids": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "start_date": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "stream_maps": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "stream_map_config": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "skip_parent_streams": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are" }, "flattening_enabled": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties." }, "flattening_max_depth": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "The max depth to flatten schemas." } } } } ```

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ...

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'
JSON Metadata ```json { "name": "tap-github", "description": "GitHub tap class.", "version": "1.1.1", "sdk_version": "0.4.9", "capabilities": [ "catalog", "state", "discover", "about", "stream-maps", "schema-flattening" ], "settings": { "type": "object", "properties": { "user_agent": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "metrics_log_level": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "auth_token": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "GitHub token to authenticate with." }, "additional_auth_tokens": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "description": "List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits." }, "rate_limit_buffer": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000." }, "searches": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "query": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "required": [ "name", "query" ] } }, "organizations": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "repositories": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_usernames": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_ids": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "start_date": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "stream_maps": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "stream_map_config": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "skip_parent_streams": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are" }, "flattening_enabled": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties." }, "flattening_max_depth": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "The max depth to flatten schemas." } } } } ```
Discovered streams ```txt "anonymous_contributors" "assignees" "collaborators" "commit_comments" "commits" "community_profile" "contributors" "dependencies" "dependents" "events" "issue_comments" "issue_events" "issues" "languages" "milestones" "organizations" "project_cards" "project_columns" "projects" "pull_request_commits" "pull_requests" "readme" "readme_html" "releases" "repositories" "review_comments" "reviews" "stargazers_rest" "starred" "stats_contributors" "team_members" "team_roles" "teams" "user_contributed_to" "users" "workflow_run_jobs" "workflow_runs" "workflows" ```

Processing complete.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url="git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main"

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'
JSON Metadata ```json { "name": "tap-github", "description": "GitHub tap class.", "version": "1.1.1", "sdk_version": "0.4.9", "capabilities": [ "catalog", "state", "discover", "about", "stream-maps", "schema-flattening" ], "settings": { "type": "object", "properties": { "user_agent": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "metrics_log_level": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "auth_token": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "GitHub token to authenticate with." }, "additional_auth_tokens": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "description": "List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits." }, "rate_limit_buffer": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000." }, "searches": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "query": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "required": [ "name", "query" ] } }, "organizations": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "repositories": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_usernames": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_ids": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "start_date": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "stream_maps": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "stream_map_config": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "skip_parent_streams": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are" }, "flattening_enabled": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties." }, "flattening_max_depth": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "The max depth to flatten schemas." } } } } ```
Discovered streams - `anonymous_contributors` - `assignees` - `collaborators` - `commit_comments` - `commits` - `community_profile` - `contributors` - `dependencies` - `dependents` - `events` - `issue_comments` - `issue_events` - `issues` - `languages` - `milestones` - `organizations` - `project_cards` - `project_columns` - `projects` - `pull_request_commits` - `pull_requests` - `readme` - `readme_html` - `releases` - `repositories` - `review_comments` - `reviews` - `stargazers_rest` - `starred` - `stats_contributors` - `team_members` - `team_roles` - `teams` - `user_contributed_to` - `users` - `workflow_run_jobs` - `workflow_runs` - `workflows`
aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-gitlab

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-gitlab --help Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/pipx_bin/tap-gitlab", line 5, in from tap_gitlab import main File "/opt/pipx/venvs/tap-gitlab/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tap_gitlab/__init__.py", line 7, in import singer File "/opt/pipx/venvs/tap-gitlab/lib/python3.8/site-packages/singer/__init__.py", line 1, in from singer import utils File "/opt/pipx/venvs/tap-gitlab/lib/python3.8/site-packages/singer/utils.py", line 8, in import pytz ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytz' ```
Detected capabilities > - ❌ 'catalog' > - ❌ 'properties' > - ❌ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'
aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-gitlab pip-url=git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-gitlab.git

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-gitlab --help usage: tap-gitlab [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file -s STATE, --state STATE State file -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog instead --catalog CATALOG Catalog file -d, --discover Do schema discovery ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'
aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

/test-plugin name=tap-gitlab pip-url=git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-gitlab.git@main

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-gitlab` GitLab tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:---------------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | api_url | False | None | Optionally overrides the default base URL for the Gitlab API. If no path is provided, the base URL will be appended with `/api/v4`. E.g. 'https://gitlab.com' becomes 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4'. | | private_token | True | None | An access token to use when calling to the Gitlab API. | | groups | False | None | A space delimited list of group ids, e.g. 'orgname1 orgname2 orgname3' | | projects | False | None | A space delimited list of project ids, e.g. 'orgname/projectname1 orgname/projectname2 | | start_date | False | None | Optional. If provided, this is the furthest date for which data will be retrieved. | | ultimate_license | False | 0 | If not set to 'true', the following streams will be ignored: 'epics' and 'epic_issues'. | | fetch_merge_request_commits| False | 0 | If not set to 'true', the 'merge_request_commits' stream will be ignored. | | fetch_pipelines_extended | False | 0 | If not set to 'true', the 'pipelines_extended' stream will be ignored. | | fetch_group_variables | False | 0 | If not set to 'true', the 'group_variables' stream will be ignored. | | fetch_project_variables | False | 0 | If not set to 'true', the 'project_variables' stream will be ignored. | | fetch_site_users | False | 1 | Unless set to 'false', the global 'site_users' stream will be included. | | requests_cache_path | False | None | (Optional.) Specifies the directory of API request caches.When this is set, the cache will be used before calling to the external API endpoint. Any data not already cached will be recorded to this path as it is received. | | stream_maps | False | None | Config object for stream maps capability. | | stream_map_config | False | None | User-defined config values to be used within map expressions. | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-gitlab --about`
Version info ``` tap-gitlab v2.0.0a3, Meltano SDK v0.4.9) ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-gitlab --help Usage: tap-gitlab [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'
JSON Metadata ```json { "name": "tap-gitlab", "description": "GitLab tap class.", "version": "2.0.0a3", "sdk_version": "0.4.9", "capabilities": [ "catalog", "state", "discover", "about", "stream-maps", "schema-flattening" ], "settings": { "type": "object", "properties": { "api_url": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "Optionally overrides the default base URL for the Gitlab API. If no path is provided, the base URL will be appended with `/api/v4`. E.g. 'https://gitlab.com' becomes 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4'." }, "private_token": { "type": [ "string" ], "description": "An access token to use when calling to the Gitlab API." }, "groups": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "A space delimited list of group ids, e.g. 'orgname1 orgname2 orgname3'" }, "projects": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "A space delimited list of project ids, e.g. 'orgname/projectname1 orgname/projectname2" }, "start_date": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time", "description": "Optional. If provided, this is the furthest date for which data will be retrieved." }, "ultimate_license": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": false, "description": "If not set to 'true', the following streams will be ignored: 'epics' and 'epic_issues'." }, "fetch_merge_request_commits": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": false, "description": "If not set to 'true', the 'merge_request_commits' stream will be ignored." }, "fetch_pipelines_extended": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": false, "description": "If not set to 'true', the 'pipelines_extended' stream will be ignored." }, "fetch_group_variables": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": false, "description": "If not set to 'true', the 'group_variables' stream will be ignored." }, "fetch_project_variables": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": false, "description": "If not set to 'true', the 'project_variables' stream will be ignored." }, "fetch_site_users": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": true, "description": "Unless set to 'false', the global 'site_users' stream will be included." }, "requests_cache_path": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "(Optional.) Specifies the directory of API request caches.When this is set, the cache will be used before calling to the external API endpoint. Any data not already cached will be recorded to this path as it is received." }, "stream_maps": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {}, "description": "Config object for stream maps capability." }, "stream_map_config": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {}, "description": "User-defined config values to be used within map expressions." }, "flattening_enabled": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties." }, "flattening_max_depth": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "The max depth to flatten schemas." } }, "required": [ "private_token" ] } } ```
Discovered streams
aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip_url=git+MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main

aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip_url=git+MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main

Unexpected inputs provided: ["pip_url"]

aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help usage: tap-github [-h] -c CONFIG [-s STATE] [-p PROPERTIES] [--catalog CATALOG] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file -s STATE, --state STATE State file -p PROPERTIES, --properties PROPERTIES Property selections: DEPRECATED, Please use --catalog instead --catalog CATALOG Catalog file -d, --discover Do schema discovery ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ❌ 'about'
aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url=git+MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

melty-bot % pipx install git+MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main Unable to parse package spec: git+MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main

aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

/test-plugin name=tap-github pip-url=git+https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github.git@main

Starting test job... ... Job completed.

Auto-generated README.md # `tap-github` GitHub tap class. Built with the [Meltano SDK](https://sdk.meltano.com) for Singer Taps and Targets. ## Capabilities * `catalog` * `state` * `discover` * `about` * `stream-maps` * `schema-flattening` ## Settings | Setting | Required | Default | Description | |:----------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:------------| | user_agent | False | None | | | metrics_log_level | False | None | | | auth_token | False | None | GitHub token to authenticate with. | | additional_auth_tokens| False | None | List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits. | | rate_limit_buffer | False | None | Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000. | | searches | False | None | | | organizations | False | None | | | repositories | False | None | | | user_usernames | False | None | | | user_ids | False | None | | | start_date | False | None | | | stream_maps | False | None | | | stream_map_config | False | None | | | skip_parent_streams | False | None | Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are | | flattening_enabled | False | None | 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties. | | flattening_max_depth | False | None | The max depth to flatten schemas. | A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: `tap-github --about`
Version info ``` tap-github v1.1.1, Meltano SDK v0.11.1 ```
Usage info ``` melty-bot % tap-github --help Usage: tap-github [OPTIONS] Execute the Singer tap. Options: --state PATH Use a bookmarks file for incremental replication. --catalog PATH Use a Singer catalog file with the tap. --test TEXT Use --test to sync a single record for each stream. Use --test=schema to test schema output without syncing records. --discover Run the tap in discovery mode. --config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use environment variables. --format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about --about Display package metadata and settings. --version Display the package version. --help Show this message and exit. ```
Detected capabilities > - ✅ 'catalog' > - ✅ 'state' > - ✅ 'about'
JSON Metadata ```json { "name": "tap-github", "description": "GitHub tap class.", "version": "1.1.1", "sdk_version": "0.11.1", "capabilities": [ "catalog", "state", "discover", "about", "stream-maps", "schema-flattening" ], "settings": { "type": "object", "properties": { "user_agent": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "metrics_log_level": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "auth_token": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "GitHub token to authenticate with." }, "additional_auth_tokens": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "description": "List of GitHub tokens to authenticate with. Streams will loop through them when hitting rate limits." }, "rate_limit_buffer": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "Add a buffer to avoid consuming all query points for the token at hand. Defaults to 1000." }, "searches": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "query": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "required": [ "name", "query" ] } }, "organizations": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "repositories": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_usernames": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "user_ids": { "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "start_date": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "stream_maps": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "stream_map_config": { "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": {} }, "skip_parent_streams": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "Set to true to skip API calls for the parent streams (such as repositories) if it is not selected but children are" }, "flattening_enabled": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "description": "'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties." }, "flattening_max_depth": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "description": "The max depth to flatten schemas." } } } } ```
Discovered streams - `anonymous_contributors` - `assignees` - `collaborators` - `commit_comments` - `commits` - `community_profile` - `contributors` - `dependencies` - `dependents` - `events` - `issue_comments` - `issue_events` - `issues` - `languages` - `milestones` - `organizations` - `project_cards` - `project_columns` - `projects` - `pull_request_commits` - `pull_requests` - `readme` - `readme_html` - `releases` - `repositories` - `review_comments` - `reviews` - `stargazers` - `stargazers_rest` - `starred` - `stats_contributors` - `team_members` - `team_roles` - `teams` - `user_contributed_to` - `users` - `workflow_run_jobs` - `workflow_runs` - `workflows`