aaronsuydam / USwap

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Need Ideas for Project #1

Closed aaronsuydam closed 1 year ago

aaronsuydam commented 1 year ago

Nothing too complicated, nothing too simple. Something that will take weeks of effort to make serious progress on. Comment on what you think/any ideas you may have.

aaronsuydam commented 1 year ago

List of things that UF doesn't do well from a technology standpoint:


Degree Audit

The thought with this one is that, ofc, we all know that the Degree Audit could use some help. Thought is: revamp the entire thing, move from just a list to a dashboard-style interface with a progress bar, profile photo, and then do maybe a couple sections below that for different categories of things like Critical Tracking courses for your major, GPA calculator, Major-Specific Courses, and so on. Then have a much nicer way of surfacing deeper data, such as a categorized, styled list of all the courses you have taken or are required to take, GPA requirements, etc etc. Maybe even a way to integrate Registration into the Degree Audit so that we can have a quick, one-click registration option. Make it all a little more integrated and fluid. Much more user friendly too, have an easy way to compare different degrees and the requirements you meet for each of them.

UPDATE 1/17/23 The other big issue with the degree audit is performance. I don't know if this is a client-side issue, if it is a back-end code issue, or if it is a hardware performance issue with the hosts. But maybe add a progress bar instead of a spinning wheel that just says loading.

Home/Landing Page

Maybe find a way to make it more profile based, like have a profile photo, a little less information immediately visible. It is definitely overwhelming right now when you log in, all of your information suddenly comes at you all at once.


Some extension of the one.UF scheduling functionality based on registr-uf.com. Have it automatically pull the courses that you need from the degree audit, then let you select the ones that you think you want to take in a given semester. It pulls the courses, asks you when you want and don't want to have classes, and then gives you a couple options out of the hundreds of potential combinations, and allows you to scroll through and select the most optimal ones. Perhaps we could allow student organizations to publish any major weekly events to the scheduler so that students could also add that, make it easy to coordinate both classes and extra-curricular activities, and make it more difficult for students to be overwhelmed, since they could see it coming.

Other Ideas

GatorSafe App

It's no secret that this also needs big time help. It needs like a whole revamp. I'm not sure that we can do an app in 16 weeks, but we could do a concept for sure. The amount of work that this would be tho is massive.

Canvas Grade Calculation

Maybe code a little utility that makes it easy for professors to use whatever grading scheme they want. They're always complaining that "You can't trust the grade on Canvas because I will have to calculate it manually, because it doesn't support the way I want to do it."

Dr. Schwartz (DLog) Website

Dr. Schwartz (the digital logic prof) has a personal website for the Machine Intelligence Lab that could use some updating. It would be a serious project but nothing we couldn't handle I don't think. Link to see is mil.ufl.edu, and mil.ufl.edu/3701.

PC Building

Maybe have a web utility that lets you input games and budget, and then recommends a set of parts using the pcpartpicker api. https://github.com/JonathanVusich/pcpartpicker

Redesign The OAR Website

Idea: https://www.ufadventure.com/?fbclid=IwAR2XA5ARDqiGg2vszC7wtbkVIj6Ix39VORFQWTrEn9nNu-PQ0fxAWe_w_T0 Redesign/Remake of the UF Outdoor Adventure and Recreation club website


A website where students can barter and exchange items.

Holm Center Portal Revamp

Create a concept demonstration of an updated version of the Holm Center AFROTC portal used at institutions across the country.

aaronsuydam commented 1 year ago

Updated one.UF idea

aaronsuydam commented 1 year ago

Add Machine Intelligence Lab Idea

Daniel-Moraes1 commented 1 year ago

Drop Interests Here To Help Come Up With Ideas

Sports (Pretty much everything) Video Games Exercise / Working Out Business / Entrepreneurship Skate/Snowboarding

Andrew7044 commented 1 year ago

Outdoorsmanship Sports Video Games Working Out/Jiu jitsu AFROTC

Andrew7044 commented 1 year ago

Idea: https://www.ufadventure.com/?fbclid=IwAR2XA5ARDqiGg2vszC7wtbkVIj6Ix39VORFQWTrEn9nNu-PQ0fxAWe_w_T0

Redesign/Remake of the UF Outdoor Adventure and Recreation club website

erobx commented 1 year ago


UF bartering site where people can trade various items with their fellow students.

Andrew7044 commented 1 year ago


Redesign AFROTC Holm Center WINGS portal/website.

Note: User data will have to be created by us as test cases.

aaronsuydam commented 1 year ago

Update master list of ideas with additions suggested above.