aaronwlee / oak-graphql

A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
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error on deno cache reload #16

Open shendkardevesh opened 4 years ago

shendkardevesh commented 4 years ago

error: Import 'https://cdn.pika.dev/-/graphql@v14.6.0-KBdDPUE1hJpvoe4YV0ln/jsutils/Path.d.ts' failed: 401 Unauthorized

and even i run deno, i get this error

error: error sending request for url (https://cdn.pika.dev/-/graphql@v14.6.0-KBdDPUE1hJpvoe4YV0ln/dist=es2019,mode=types/concatAST.d.ts): http2 error: protocol error: refused stream before processing any application logic

any idea what excatly is going on here.

aaronwlee commented 4 years ago

dump up 0.5.2

can you reload the module?

shendkardevesh commented 4 years ago

no enable to reload module have tried with deno run --reload https://deno.land/x/oak_graphql/mod.ts and also with, deno run --reload https://deno.land/x/oak_graphql@0.5.2/mod.ts but for both i got same error, error: Import 'https://cdn.pika.dev/-/graphql@v14.6.0-KBdDPUE1hJpvoe4YV0ln/jsutils/Path.d.ts' failed: 401 Unauthorized

aaronwlee commented 4 years ago

I've tested it in windows, mac, and ubuntu. I've never got these issues... This possibly your local machine issue, let's try to find the deno caching folder and delete all the files in https then retry this. let me know after it. Also, if anyone has the same issues. please leave a comment here.

shendkardevesh commented 4 years ago

tried deleting the cache folder, but still getting this error error: Import 'https://cdn.pika.dev/-/graphql@v14.6.0-KBdDPUE1hJpvoe4YV0ln/jsutils/Path.d.ts' failed: 401 Unauthorized

and when try to reload with command - deno run --reload https://deno.land/x/oak_graphql/mod.ts got error - error: Import 'https://cdn.pika.dev/-/graphql@v14.6.0-KBdDPUE1hJpvoe4YV0ln/dist=es2019,mode=types/execution.d.ts' failed: 502 Bad Gateway

shendkardevesh commented 4 years ago

hi any update for this issue.

aaronwlee commented 4 years ago

Hi @shendkardevesh, I can't get rid of the pika CDN due to the other ported projects had some problems that ensure the execution of all major functions. Sorry that I can't help you.

As far as I tested, executions of various OS and systems were not having issues.

The only thing that we can do is waiting for the fully supported GraphQL library for Deno.

If you provide more information and the reasons why that's not working on your computer, I can help to find a solution.