aaronwmorris / indi-allsky

Software to manage a Linux-based All Sky Camera.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SVBONY SV205 *easy issue* camera is unavailable #1225

Closed Binkosss closed 2 months ago

Binkosss commented 2 months ago


very simple installation and I failed on one of the first steps, perfect.

the camera is not available(0 in indi allsky panel), but visible in lsusb, I did the entire installation several times, including rasbian, it is visible and working correctly in astrodmx capture.

Current configuration: -Raspberry 4B 4 GB -SV205 -original power supply -system is 64-bit Bookworm (latest)

any ideas ? it must be some simple glitch



aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

I believe for the SV205, you should use the indi_v4l2_ccd as they are UVC web camera type devices. Do you know which indi server you selected during setup?


Binkosss commented 2 months ago

Previously I selected Svbony_ccd and now I tried to reinstall Setup.sh and select indi_v4l2_ccd... it still doesn't work, maybe reinstall all ?

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

When you select a new server, you will need to restart the indiserver or reboot.

systemctl --user restart indiserver
Binkosss commented 2 months ago

yeah this i tried too, for now I tried to install the drivers from the link you provided, but they are probably for pure Linux, not RPI?, can you guide me through the manual installation of these drivers? I'm new to Linux/rpi, sorry and thank you very much for your help,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa - command not found sudo apt-get update -normal update apt ok sudo apt-get install indi-svbony -and this is interesing, read package list done, dependency tree done, state info done, E:UNABLE TO LOCATE PACKAGE INDI-SVBONY

I tried a few tricks from the Internet but no result, do you have any ideas for this issue?

Regards and have a good day !

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

Sorry, the link was not intended to provide instructions, but just a reference for the sv205 being a UVC camera.

Can you provide the output by running the ./misc/support_info.sh script?

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

yeah, no problem:


aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

I suspect you my have multiple v4l2 devices and indi might be using the wrong one. Can you provide the output of v4l2-ctl --list-devices ?

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

hmmm... New1.txt

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

Everything appears in order. The SV205 is /dev/video0 which is what indi is supposed to be using.

Can you manually start indi-allsky and show me the first 50-100 or so lines of output?

source virtualenv/indi-allsky/bin/activate

systemctl --user stop indi-allsky

./allsky.py run
Binkosss commented 2 months ago

searching for available cameras Detected V4L2 CCD Found 1 CCDs Camera error: !!! CAMERA NOT FOUND: SVBONY !!!

when try to turn on camera then disconnects the camera? the power supply is 100% ok, the camera is seen normally by the astrodmx capture program. video and info like this:


all Terminal: New3.txt

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

Ah, I think I know the problem. I think you defined a specific camera name to connect to in the Camera tab on the config page (near the top). Set that field to blank, save, and then reboot.

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

still the same and i make save and restart RPI.: image

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

FYI, it takes 2-3 minutes for the indi-allsky service to start from boot. If it still is not showing data, try running the service manually again and post 50-100 lines.

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

After reinstalling everything and selecting indi_v4l2_ccd it works great, as I said, easy problem :D Thank you very much, can I count on help if I still have a problem? write here or start new threads?


Have a nice day ! and clear sky !

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

I will leave it up to you if you want to open a different issue. Do whatever makes sense.

If you can send me the output of indi_getprop I can send you the config you need to add to the camera to get it to run in full resolution.

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

I thing max is "3264 x 2448"...that's enough :D you see something else ?

{ "PROPERTIES": {}, "SWITCHES": { "V4L2_SIZE_DISCRETE": { "on": [ "3264 x 2448" ] } } }

and there is all terminal: New.txt

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

Looks like you figured it out. I appreciate the info anyway. This confirms something I recently "discovered" about the SV205, but I did not have a device to confirm.

I had to setup 2 different "cameras" in the Camera Simulator. The SV205 max resolution is 3264x2448 (here) but the IMX415 datasheet says the sensor is 3864x2160. It looks like SVBony cut off 300 pixels from each side of the sensor.

Now that I see your information, I do not understand how the height of the sensor is 2448, when both SVBony and the datasheet say it is 2160. Very strange.

This page even shows the discrepancy in the resolutions as it lists two different max resolutions. https://xinchenguang.en.made-in-china.com/product/YnzRLfQDRFkP/China-Imx415-CMOS-Sensor-Face-Recognition-Wide-Angle-4K-8MP-3264-2448-30fps-Hdr-Starvis-USB-Camera-Module.html

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

yes, but I have a problem, I thought that it would be configured and that would be enough, unfortunately, after a whole day of work, the camera does not want to switch to 4K mode, only the default 640 x 480, do you have any ideas what to enter to make it work in higher resolution than 1080p (the entry on your website works All right( "V4L2_SIZE_DISCRETE": { "on": ["1920x1080"]))

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

OK, I test it: "2592x1944" works fine, mayby its max fot this setup.

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

"Looks like you figured it out." but I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you !

aaronwmorris commented 2 months ago

Interesting. According to the indi properties, any of the following values should work:


I do not know why 640x480 is listed twice, it could be that the different settings are achieved via binning vs cropping.

Anyway, if 3264x2448 does not work, you may try 2592x1944 as the next size down. (Edit: I see you are already trying that)

Binkosss commented 2 months ago

2592x1944 works fine, enough for me, maybe I'll play with it later when it's hanging on the roof ;)

thank you for your help, I'm closing the topic.