aarowill / base16-alacritty

Base16 for Alacritty
MIT License
280 stars 41 forks source link

Joining Tinted Theming #12

Open JamyGolden opened 4 months ago

JamyGolden commented 4 months ago

Hi @aarowill, Tinted Theming (previously base16-project) is a maintained and community run version of base16: https://github.com/tinted-theming/home/issues/51

A discussion around creating a base16 organization originally took place in 2016 on an issue in the original base16 repo: https://web.archive.org/web/20220603173440/https://github.com/chriskempson/base16/issues/74. The repo was subsequently nuked and most git history as well as PRs and issues were destroyed (which is why I linked the web archive version of the issue).

I was wondering if you would be interested in joining the Tinted Theming org and continuing to maintain base16-alacritty (and base16-gnomne-terminal) under the Tinted Theming umbrella? It would also be good to get your repo hooked up, like the rest of our repos, to a weekly template builder bot using the latest the latest schemes in the schemes repo.

If you're interested let me know and I can send an org invite. If you'd like more information about us or joining, feel free to ask me, or on Tinted Theming or our Matrix channel.

JamyGolden commented 2 months ago

I've done a hard fork of the repo at https://github.com/tinted-theming/base16-alacritty. If you end up deciding that you want to join Tinted Theming, feel free to create an issue on that repo and we can talk about either you joining as a maintainer of that fork or we archive that repo and move your repo over which we can maintain together.