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Update OWL file and triple store #59

Open AlexIvanHoward opened 1 year ago

AlexIvanHoward commented 1 year ago

Made some changes to the ontology, but only on the wiki. OWL file and triple store must be updated to reflect the changes on the wiki. Changes include, but are not limited to:

  1. Remove 'resource' from the ontology - it's a synonym for 'thing'.
  2. Remove 'input' and 'output' from the ontology - they are properties of the 'Activity' class.
  3. Remove 'difference in state' from the ontology.
  4. Remove 'indicator' and 'indicator value' from the ontology - all indicators are parameters and all parameters can be indicators.
  5. Rename 'activity' > 'claim act' to 'activity' > 'claim (v)'.
  6. Add 'thing::activity:calculate'
  7. Add '(v)' and '(n)' to all classes, where relevant.
  8. Replace 'thing:formula' with 'thing:control:formula'
  9. Add 'thing:control:measurement system'.
  10. Add the axiom for 'thing:control:measurement system': "A measurement system controls the expression of the state of a parameter."
  11. Add the following as synonyms for 'thing:control:measurement system' : reference system, datum, system of measurement.
  12. Add 'thing:control:measurement system:spatial refence system'. AXIOM?
  13. Add 'thing:control:measurement system:spatial refence system:geodetic datum' and 'thing:control:measurement system:spatial refence system:geocentric datum'.
  14. Remove 'thing:coordinate reference system'.
  15. Add 'thing:control:measurement system:temporal reference system'.
  16. Add 'Julian Calendar' and 'Gregorian Calendar' as individuals of the '...:temporal reference system' class.
  17. Add 'thing:parameter:spatial parameter'.
  18. Add 'thing:parameter:temporal parameter'.
  19. Add 'thing:parameter:temporal parameter:instant'.
  20. Remove 'thing:impact pathway position' and its subclasses. 'impact pathway position' is an individual of the 'thing:parameter:temporal parameter' class.
  21. Move 'thing:period' to 'thing:parameter:temporal parameter:period'.
  22. DPSEEA is an individual of the 'thing:control:temporal reference system' class.
  23. Remove 'accounting period', 'crediting period' and 'project period' as subclasses to 'period' - add them as individuals of the 'period' class instead.
  24. Remove 'path' as a subclass of location. 'path' is an individual of class 'parameter' and has both temporal and spatial dimensions.
  25. Replace 'polygon' with 'area'.
  26. Remove 'thing:reputation' - it is merely a property of any 'thing', in the same way as a 'name' or an 'id' is a property of a 'thing'.