aaschmid / gradle-cpd-plugin

Gradle plugin to find duplicate code using PMDs copy/paste detection (= CPD).
Apache License 2.0
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Ignore two files that are duplicated by cpdCheck #63

Closed mjovanc closed 2 years ago

mjovanc commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to read through the documentation here and as well as on PMD but I don't seem to have the option to ignore two files that cpdCheck says are duplicates. They have some duplicated code, but the code is necessary and can't be avoided any other way.

How can I do make my two classes ignored with the error "Found a 30 line (103 tokens) duplication in the following files: "? is there a setting in Gradle I can do?

aaschmid commented 2 years ago

Best solution to this might be using annotation or comments, see https://pmd.github.io/pmd-6.13.0/pmd_userdocs_cpd.html#suppression.

If you need to exclude more code or e.g. all tests, you can exclude files either overriding the source property directly or providing an include or exclude as Cpd is actually a SourceTask and therefore supports its properties, e.g. see JavaDoc of Cpd:

   task cpd(type: Cpd, description: 'Copy/Paste detection for all Ruby scripts') {

       // change language of cpd to Ruby
       language = 'ruby'

       // set minimum token count causing a duplication warning
       minimumTokenCount = 10

       // enable CSV reports and customize outputLocation, disable xml report
       reports {
           csv {
               required = true
               outputLocation = file("${buildDir}/cpd.csv")
           xml.required = false

       // explicitly include all Ruby files and exclude tests
       include '**.rb'
       exclude '**Test*'

       // set source for running duplication check on
       source = files('src/ruby')
aaschmid commented 2 years ago

@mjovanc has that helped or is it solved for you?

mjovanc commented 2 years ago

@aaschmid it was solved by your answer. Sorry I forgot to answer you. Thanks a lot!