aashcher / GratingGSM

Simulation of linear grating diffraction by the Generalized Source Method
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Fail to obtain reasonable results for a deep 2D dieletric resonant grating with GratingGSM #1

Open Samson-Ming opened 1 month ago

Samson-Ming commented 1 month ago

Hi Professor Shcherbakov, 

These days I have been trying to use the GratingGSM to simulate a deep 2D dieletric resonant grating. But unfortunatelly,  I find it seems quite strange that I can't get the resonable results even with hard endaver to tune the control parameters, nevertherless it works well with non-resonant subwavelength gratings with proper tuning.

Could you please help me find out where I may get wrong? Thank you so much for your kind instruction.

![Uploading image.png…]()

The parameters of the grating are listed below, and I also attach the program file for your reference:

lambda=1.55 um; TE, Normal incident from substrate; Px=Py=0.65 um; Cylinder radius r0=0.2515 um;

Cylinder hegith H=0.8 um; n_sub=1.45; n_cyl=3.361; n_sup=1;

And the reference R and T by RCWA (also veified by FEM) are R=0.0823775905 T=0.9176244730 Besides, the grating has a resonant dip around 1.519 um

Samson-Ming commented 1 month ago

The schematic of the structure:


My main file is also pasted:

clc; format long; %% % fill the method structure gsm_method.no = [30, 30]; % number of Fourier harmonics gsm_method.nsl = 100; % number of slices gsm_method.eps_b = 1; % basis permittivity of the grating layer gsm_method.restart = []; % GMRes parameter gsm_method.maxit = 500; % maximum number of iterations for the GMRes gsm_method.tol = 1e-6; % tolerance for the GMRes

NO = gsm_method.no(1) gsm_method.no(2); % total number of harmonics ic = (ceil(gsm_method.no(1)/2)-1) ... gsm_method.no(2)+ceil(gsm_method.no(2)/2); % central harmonic

% grating containing multiple cylindrical pitches on a period

ncyl = [1, 1]; % numbers of cylinders along X and Y dimensions Ncyl = ncyl(1) ncyl(2); % total number of cylinders % coordinates of centers relative to the period: % cx = -0.5 + 0.5/ncyl(1) + (1/ncyl(1))[0:(ncyl(1)-1)]; % cy = -0.5 + 0.5/ncyl(2) + (1/ncyl(2))*[0:(ncyl(2)-1)]; cx=0; cy=0; [CX, CY] = meshgrid(cx, cy);

grating.layer_type = "2D grating"; grating.type = "cylinder"; grating.period = 0.65 ncyl; grating.depth = 0.8; grating.radius = 0.2515;%0.15 + 0.02(rand(1, Ncyl)-0.5); %Note this random! grating.center_x = CX; grating.center_y = CY; grating.eps = 3.361^2 * ones(1, Ncyl); % permittivities of cylinders grating.eps_m = 1; % permittivity of the medium surrounding the cylinders grating.eps_sub = 1.45^2; % substrate permittivity grating.eps_sup = 1; % superstrate permittivity

% incidence angles:

phi_inc = 0; theta_inc = 1e-10; %use 1e-10 for theta=0 % incidence wavevector projections: k_inc = [sin(pitheta_inc/180)cos(piphi_inc/180); sin(pitheta_inc/180)sin(piphi_inc/180)]; Vinc = zeros(2*NO, 2); % incident amplitude vector Vinc(ic, 1) = 1; % TE plane wave incidence from the substrate side %Vinc:1st column:substrate; 2nd: superstrate; 1st half of column: TE; 2nd:TM %Vinc(NO+ic, 2) = 1; %TM plane wave incidence from the superstrate side

wavelength = 1.55; wavenumber = 2*pi/wavelength; kg = [wavelength/grating.period(1), wavelength/grating.period(2)];

incidence.wavelength = wavelength; incidence.k_inc = k_inc; incidence.Vinc = Vinc;

% calculate wavevector projections and moduli for the reciprocal lattice:

[kz, ~, kx, ky, kxy] = kxyz(gsm_method.no, k_inc, kg, [gsm_method.eps_b, gsm_method.eps_b]); gsm_method.kx = kx; gsm_method.ky = ky; gsm_method.kxy = kxy; gsm_method.kz = kz; gsm_method.kh = wavenumber grating.depth; % centers of slices along vertical direction: gsm_method.zs = -0.5gsm_method.kh + ((1 : gsm_method.nsl)-0.5)*(gsm_method.kh / gsm_method.nsl);

Samson-Ming commented 1 month ago

Later I tried to change the parameter gsm_method.eps_b to [(3.361^2+1)/2] or [3.361^2pi.2515^2/.65^2+1(1-pi.2515^2/.65^2)], the results improve a little but still far from convergence.

I check the effect of each geometry parameter and material permittivity, and I find that when


is too large (threshold?), the GratingGSM tends to converge quite slow. Unfortunately, due to the limitted resources of my PC, the code would report "Out of memery" if I set control parameters larger than gsm_method.no = [40, 40] and gsm_method.nsl = 400 before I get a convergent result.

I'm not sure if I make a reasonable assumption, or do you have some good advice to handle it other than simply enlarge the memory? Thank you so much.


Samson-Ming commented 1 month ago

Dear Professor Shcherbakov,

Sure, thank you so much for your instruction.

Best regards


aashcher commented 1 month ago

Dear Professor Shcherbakov,

Sure, thank you so much for your instruction.

Best regards


Indeed the factorization rules are implemented. Did you run the method gsm_diffraction with bnorm=1 ?

Samson-Ming commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I ran the method with "[Vout, Veff, balance, rv] = gsm_diffraction(incidence, gsm_method, grating, 1, 0);", it seems that bnorm has already be set to 1 (gsm_diffraction(incidence, method, grating, bnorm, bini)).

Samson-Ming commented 6 days ago

Dear Professor Shcherbakov,

Do you have some more advice on this specific case? Thank you so much.

The best results I obtained with many endeavor with GratingGSM are R{0,0} = 0.132342; T{0,0} = 0.867658;

which are still a little far from the reference results of R=0.0823775905; T=0.9176244730.


Samson-Ming commented 20 hours ago

Dear Professor Shcherbakov, Sure, thank you so much for your instruction. Best regards Xianshun

Dear Professor Shcherbakov,

It seems that the factorization rules are not implemented in the code (feps_cyl.m & fnxy_cyl.m) where only the analytical
2D Fourier transformation is adopted.

Best Xianshun