Create a slot to store what the user told he/she wants to practice. Repeat to the user what he/she wants to practice. A response from user should be expected which would be used to invoke next intent.
This intent might be used at any point to change the practice topic/theme. Check this functionality.
Note: This slot attribute need not be persisted across sessions. So only keeping it in slot should do. Would have to check how to access attribute across different intents.
Create a slot to store what the user told he/she wants to practice. Repeat to the user what he/she wants to practice. A response from user should be expected which would be used to invoke next intent.
This intent might be used at any point to change the practice topic/theme. Check this functionality.
Note: This slot attribute need not be persisted across sessions. So only keeping it in slot should do. Would have to check how to access attribute across different intents.