aaylward / restful-mbta

Node.js wrapper for MBTA's RESTful API.
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build with grunt #1

Closed aaylward closed 11 years ago

aaylward commented 11 years ago

all the regular stuff

maxmechanic commented 11 years ago

Wasn't sure if you wanted to do more with Grunt than what's in https://github.com/aaylward/restful-mbta/commit/38ee0443aa355e98dbf2c146b112cca3bf96e5cc so not closing the issue yet.

aaylward commented 11 years ago

@maxmechanic Grunt 0.4.1 requires node >= 0.8 so we'll have to add supported node versions to package.json. We should also choose a whitespace convention and stick with it. I prefer 2 spaces in coffeescript, but I'm down for whatever. Consistency is more important than my preference, though I'll try not to admit that again :zap: :zap: Also, I know I started it by committing straight to master in this fork, but let's move to a %100 pull-request model because it's easier to keep track of changes that way.

We should also add tests and get grunt running them, but that can be a separate issue :)

maxmechanic commented 11 years ago

2-space sounds good. Will update Gruntfile.coffee.