aayushi-droid / Edabit-Solutions

Edabit Solutions using Cpp(C++)
MIT License
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.added Easy/evenOrOddNumberOfFactors.cpp file to solve #356 #364

Closed nssk1999 closed 4 years ago

nssk1999 commented 4 years ago

solved the problem mention the issue #356 created by me


Create a function that returns "even" if a number has an even number of factors and "odd" if a number has an odd number of factors.

Examples factor_group(33) ➞ "even"

factor_group(36) ➞ "odd"

factor_group(7) ➞ "even"

enter here if you have any details

Program Name - Even or Odd Number of Factors Issue No.- #356

Type issue number after hash(#)

Checklist(self check)